• andrewjourney


    I want to add a favicon for my WP 6.0+ website. (I’m using the standard Twenty Twenty-Two theme with WooCommerce.)

    It’s not intuitive by any stretch.

    I found this:

    …when I customized the header for the page template, I deleted the “site logo” block in the header. It seems that the only way to set the favicon (without some additional plugin or coding) is to have a site logo block to springboard from.

    Is that correct?

    How do I go about adding a favicon with my current state?


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  • ivahyael



    Can you try and go to Appearance and choose Customize, then choose the Site Identity tab.

    You will be able to add the favicon from there. You can also try using plugins such as All in One Favicon if you like.

    Thread Starter andrewjourney


    Hi, thanks Ivah, though under Appearance, I have these options:
    – Theme
    – Editor (Beta)
    – Additional CSS

    There is no “Customize” option. I never opted in for a Beta version of anything, so I’m not sure why I have have “Editor (Beta)” as an option.




    I’m sorry for your troubles but I too have the same issue.



    Wow. It’s a mess! It is alpha at best. Creating a child theme makes life even more difficult. I’m [this] close to leaving WordPress for good at this point, even after years of loyal support and learning all the ins and outs
    What possessed them to release this to the public?!!!

    The solution is to create your own favicon.ico file and place it in the root of the WP install. GIMP will let you export .ico files, although i’m not sure what variant of the format is acceptable to the average browser (probably all). 16×16 pixels, 8-bit with 1-bit alpha worked for me

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by djcuppat. Reason: now with helpful info
    Thread Starter andrewjourney


    Thanks, @djcuppat, helpful. It’s a drag that they broke that WP feature.




    The short answer:
    – Appearance > Themes > [pick a theme that doesn’t have the new “blocks”]
    — that should put more options in your Appearance menu
    – Appearance > Customization > Site Identity
    – Site Icon – upload
    – Change your theme back to the block-enabled theme you want


    I was having this same problem and couldn’t figure out why everything I found on Google just kept telling me to go to “Appearance > Customize” – Google brought me here to this thread… and then I just started experimenting. Here’s the longer answer with more of the search terms I’d tried, so future Googlers can see what worked for me:

    I changed my theme. All of the new “block” themes are what stripped your Appearance menu options away. I went to Appearance > Themes, and added a new theme. The one I picked is literally called “Generic” but any (I assume older) theme that doesn’t do blocks might work. Once I changed my theme, it brought back the Appearance > Customize > Site Identity menu. That let me follow everyone else’s instructions for every version of WordPress since 4.something and update the favicon. Then I switched back to the Twenty Twenty-Two theme and, while the Appearance menu went back to just being “Themes, Editor(beta), Additional CSS,” my favicon is still up there in the browser tab just like I wanted.

    Hope this helps you and anyone else who finds this thread by searching for things like change favicon site icon wordpress 6.1.1 or 6.1.3 blog themes appearance customize site identity site icon.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    There is an easier way to access the site icon settings.

    If you’re using a block theme, at the top, there is a site logo block. You can choose to use the site logo as the same as the site icon. Or you can select not to do that. And the site logo block has a link to the customizer directly, which will let you edit the site icon using the old interface. There’s no need to switch themes for this.

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