Hi Megan,
Go to the plugin and click edit.
Then click on this file:
Scroll down till you find this section and replace the “Foster Me” with “Adopt.”
<!--Foster Data-->
<div class="foster-popup-data">
<!--Foster Btn-->
<div id="pet-foster-btn" class="main-foster-color pfo__hoverme btn-med">
<span><span class="icoFoster-foster"></span>Adopt</span>
Then, scroll down more to this section on the same php page to change the choices for your forms. (We are using both a foster and adoption form, but you can delete the part about the foster form if you don’t need it.) …
<div id="fosterme-popup">
<div id="fosterme-popup-backbtn">Back</div>
<div id="fosterme-popup-inner" class="pfo__row-fluid">
<div class="fosterme-popup-left pfo__span6">
<h2>Ready to Adopt?</h2>
<p>Welcome! You will need to fill out this application and be approved before you can adopt <strong><span class="indiepet-popup-title"></span></strong>.
<a class="nectar-button large accent-color regular-button" target="_blank" href="/adoption-application/" data-color-override="false" data-hover-color-override="false" data-hover-text-color-override="#fff" style="visibility: visible;"><span>Adoption Application</span> </a>
<div class="fosterme-popup-right pfo__span6">
<h2>Want to Foster with us?</h2>
<p>Great! We appreciate your help. Please fill out our application to apply to be a foster.</p>
<a class="nectar-button large accent-color regular-button" target="_blank" href="/foster-application/" data-color-override="false" data-hover-color-override="false" data-hover-text-color-override="#fff" style="visibility: visible;"><span>Foster Application</span> </a>
In the same file, this is where you will change the word “Foster Forms” to “Adoption Form”…
<!--petOptions headline-->
<div class="pfo__span4">
<div class="pfo__header-icon pfo__hoverme" id="pfo__fosterform-btn" title="Adoption Form">
<a href="<?php echo $pet_foster_options['pfo_fosterformpage_link'];?>"><span class="icoFoster-application"></span><span class="pfo__header-title">Adoption Form</span></a>
<div class="pfo__header-icon pfo__hoverme" id="pfo__fosterinfo-btn" title="Adoption Information">
<span class="icoFoster-info"></span>
Let me know if this helps,
– Alison Iddings