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  • Hi Alison,

    I am helping out a pet charity here in Ireland and I noticed you did exactly what I’d like to do with this plugin (i.e say “adopt” instead of “Foster Me” and have and “adoption” application instead of two adoption forms…. can you help me out? Any tips would be amazing =)


    Thread Starter Alison


    Hi Megan,

    Go to the plugin and click edit.

    Then click on this file:

    Scroll down till you find this section and replace the “Foster Me” with “Adopt.”

    <!--Foster Data-->
            <div class="foster-popup-data">
          		<!--Foster Btn-->
         		<div id="pet-foster-btn" class="main-foster-color pfo__hoverme btn-med">
                	<span><span class="icoFoster-foster"></span>Adopt</span>

    Then, scroll down more to this section on the same php page to change the choices for your forms. (We are using both a foster and adoption form, but you can delete the part about the foster form if you don’t need it.) …

    <div id="fosterme-popup">
           <div id="fosterme-popup-backbtn">Back</div>
                   <div id="fosterme-popup-inner" class="pfo__row-fluid">
          	 <div class="fosterme-popup-left pfo__span6">
             	<h2>Ready to Adopt?</h2>
                <p>Welcome! You will need to fill out this application and be approved before you can adopt <strong><span class="indiepet-popup-title"></span></strong>.
    <a class="nectar-button large accent-color regular-button" target="_blank" href="/adoption-application/" data-color-override="false" data-hover-color-override="false" data-hover-text-color-override="#fff" style="visibility: visible;"><span>Adoption Application</span> </a>
             <div class="fosterme-popup-right pfo__span6">
             	<h2>Want to Foster with us?</h2>
                 <p>Great! We appreciate your help.  Please fill out our application to apply to be a foster.</p>
    <a class="nectar-button large accent-color regular-button" target="_blank" href="/foster-application/" data-color-override="false" data-hover-color-override="false" data-hover-text-color-override="#fff" style="visibility: visible;"><span>Foster Application</span> </a>

    In the same file, this is where you will change the word “Foster Forms” to “Adoption Form”…

    <!--petOptions headline-->
          <div class="pfo__span4">
          	<div class="pfo__header-icon pfo__hoverme" id="pfo__fosterform-btn" title="Adoption Form">
            	<a href="<?php echo $pet_foster_options['pfo_fosterformpage_link'];?>"><span class="icoFoster-application"></span><span class="pfo__header-title">Adoption Form</span></a>
           <div class="pfo__header-icon pfo__hoverme" id="pfo__fosterinfo-btn" title="Adoption Information">
            	<span class="icoFoster-info"></span>

    Let me know if this helps,

    – Alison Iddings

    Hi there,

    Please respond if you are still perusing this issue and I will take a look.

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