Hi Ruben,
Many thanks for the advice. I’ve been trying it but still seem to have some issues.
I set up the Trigger as you suggest. My only change was that I added multiple actions, each with their own but identical filter. ( to remove multiple Roles and then add a final role )
When I run this I am seeing in the logs that the filter is saying that it did not match so the Action is not performed.
I use Ultimate Member and its User Profile ( so not the WP profile ). I have a number of custom fields added to this profile and can access them using your user_meta.
Now as an Admin I edit a users profile and change the custom field of that user and save the profile.
The logs now show the automation was triggered but despite the field being updated the filters are comparing against the old value and not the newly updated one – hence no surprise they say no match.
So a few points from all this:
When I as an admin update a users profile – does the automation run under my id or the users profile that I am editing? ( The logs seem to indicate it is the user but I’m not sure )
Possibly this is also related to another of my questions about delayed triggers. In that case a user buys a Renewal product and a physical product and his order is only marked Completed ( which completes the trigger ) by an Admin. So again I wonder if the automation is running against the wrong userid?
When creating the Actions it would be great if we could copy an existing action and/or filter to save having to enter identical ones repeatedly.
Alternatively could a filter be made to apply to a group of actions rather than just one?
Sorry for the lengthy post.