• Hi, I’m very excited to begin using WP (from MT).

    I have set up with Blue Host, transfering my domain from previous host,

    and everything seems to look right on the MYSQL Area. But I am not able to log in. I hoped to set up my page and what-not, before the domain is even transferred from MT.

    I can get to the Log-in, but entering info gets me to a 404

    “The requested resource (/theherald/wp-login.php) is not available.”

    Question: First, AM I trying to do this too soon, before the name servers have a hold of my info? I only signed up on Thurs.

    If it is not too soon, 2nd question: I notice that DB Username and DB name are the same. Is this incorrect? I didn’t do this, this was the result of the Install thru bluehost.

    I am new to running my own Server space, so perhaps someone could point me to a previously documented Support query. I tried searching, but all my queries send me to the WP Install pages.

    The support forums are great, I just look forward to using what I am learning here.

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  • Not sure about the DNS, but you have pages already inside
    Ideally no other files should be there, especially an index.html which will cause problems.

    Having said that, this also gets a 404
    which would indicate that the WP files are in the wrong place. They are uploaded correctly ?

    Can you access https://yourdomain.com?

    I’m assuming you’re installing with Fantastico or something like via admin panel provided your host? If so, then I have no insight of what’s going on.

    Anyway, I’d suggest that you come back with question once your nameserver is properly propagated (when you’re able to access https://yourdomain.com).

    Thread Starter billtooabsent



    I’m not seeing the pages. Will try to empty my cache.

    I got BlueHost to start tooabsent.com and when I set up WP I placed it in a directory such that


    So your mention of the css not showing up… that is what I wondered, too. Should I try a uninstall and do-over (i’ve done this twice, already). Maybe I need to call BlueHost.

    Otherwise, I will be checking for the Name propagation, and waiting to see. Thanks for the response. I’m really flying blind, here, until I can see CSS and etc.

    Note: tooabsent.com/herald will still (for now) take you to my MovableT site.

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter billtooabsent



    No change with seeing the pages. I know that I have correct login username and Password for WP, because — although entering them results in 404, any other data entered gets: Incorrect Username.

    Here’s a straightforward question (I am an adherent to Support forums, and know how bad some of the posts can be formed):

    In BlueHost Files – tooabsent.com/theherald/

    my wp_config file shows the following:

    define ( ‘DB_NAME’ , ‘tooabsen_wrdp1’ ) ;
    define ( ‘DB_USER’ , ‘tooabsen_wrdp1’ ) ;
    define ( ‘DB_PASSWORD’ , ‘Yq2Ysy6l9mwC’ ) ;
    define ( ‘DB_HOST’ , ‘localhost’ ) ;

    This is untouched, just with my having clicked on the auto-install in BlueHost…

    Should the DB Name and Username be the same?

    Thanks in advance.

    I am a complete newb but getting past your above problem was made possible by changing local host to the IP mySQL is on.

    I think.

    Thread Starter billtooabsent


    For the sake of the forums (and karma), I am updating what happened.

    I finally geve up on Fantastico, sucked in a deep breath, and tried installing myself, using instructions found in the Docs. It is all working well, now, and my Domain has been almost completely moved.


    I do have a follow-up – When I saw the Domain switch start to work, I immediately switched from the temporary


    That was in my Dashboard/General Options/ URl. I changed it to the proper domain. And I was promptly locked out of the Admin Area.

    I had to follow directions to go into myPHPAdm to change things back.

    Is it ever safe to change those settings? I notice that my Permalinks will show my Server IP… Don’t I need to cover that with the https://www.Domain/blog?

    Thanks in advance,


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