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  • I realize you probably found your answer months ago. That being said, I think the answer to your question is that when installing WP in, rather than make a new WP installation, you should simply copy the WP from your installation.

    That way, the wp-config.php file will point to your existing database and tables, and WP should not create new tables.

    Note: because your blog and WP URLs will be new for the site, you should run wp-admin.php in the dev site and update those URL’s wthin the General Settings form.

    I realize you probably found your answer months ago. That being said, I think the answer to your question is that when installing WP in, rather than make a new WP installation, you should simply copy the WP from your installation.

    That way, the wp-config.php file will point to your existing database and tables, and WP should not create new tables.

    Note: because your blog and WP URLs will be new for the site, you should run wp-admin.php in the dev site and update those URL’s wthin the General Settings form.

    I feel compelled to point out that – should you get such a setup to work somehow – using the same tables for dev and live is very risky, as changes to dev could easily break your production site.

    Better by far to keep the two seperate, it’s not like you need all your live content in dev.

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