• In the WordPress theme I use i can only change the color of all buttons.
    I like to change only the color of the Submit button of the contact form on my homepage.
    to stand out and attract attention.

    How and where do I overrule the setting of my theme.

    Can I set the color in the field where I edit my contactform?


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  • The actual look of CF7 forms on your website will depend largely on the current WordPress theme used and the CSS styling that theme applies to standard HTML form elements. To change the style of your CF7 forms you would need to edit the CSS style sheets used by your WordPress theme.

    See Styling Contact Form for a general explanation of styling CF7 forms using CSS.

    Also see ?
    Using a Custom CSS plugin to modify a CF7 Skins Style – provides step by step instructions on how to change Submit button styling.
    Contact Form 7 Custom Button – shows to use an image as form button instead of the default submit button.

    If you find you need more detailed advice, after reading and working through the above link, please include a link to your Contact Form 7 form, so others here can examine your form in detail using Firebug or Chrome Dev Tools to understand the CSS used for your CF7 form elements and provide you with a possible solution.

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! This has been driving me nuts!

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