• I need to know where I can add easing and adjust speed for the mobile toggle main drop down. Currently when you click the hamburger icon the mobile menu just appears. I want it to slide down and up when clicked. Similar to a jQuery 1200ms easeInOutExpo or a the least a slow swing open and close rather than just appearing. Any help much appreciated!

    Thanks, and Great Plugin!!!


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  • Thread Starter grafxman7


    I take it there is no longer any support for this plugin. Too bad, it’s a great plugin! Good thing I didn’t purchase the pro version for several current and upcoming projects. If anyone is still monitoring this forum, what would you recommend as an alternative to Max Mega Menu?

    Thanks in advance.

    Plugin Author megamenu


    Hi grafxman7,

    If you look through the forum you’ll see every thread is either resolved, or awaiting response (I am the last replier).

    I deal with a lot of support, your topic clearly slipped through the net, sorry.

    I can’t figure out how do what you want, or even know if it’s possible. If you want to carry on from where I left off please try adding this to the custom styling area of your menu theme:

    @include mobile {
       #{$wrap} .mega-menu-toggle {
           + #{$menu} {
               max-height: 0;
               transition: max-height 0.15s ease-out;
           &.mega-menu-open + #{$menu} {
               max-height: 5000px;
               transition: max-height 0.15s ease-in;

    If you do work it out please post the solution here so others can benefit.


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