• Hi!

    I’m kind of new on CSS and so forth, so I would like some help.

    I have two widgets which I can’t change padding on.

    1. WordPress’ own tag cloud.
    2. Statpress widget which shows the amount of visitors.

    What should I input in the templates to change this, and WHERE? Give an example please. ??

    I use the Atahualpa theme, so regular text widgets are fine. There are no adjustments in the theme for other kinds of widgets though.

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  • well…you didn’t include a link, so it’s hard to look at your code to help you.

    BUT…a generic tip….when I need to change css related to a specific plugin or widget I still include that css in my own style.css so it doesn’t ever get lost in an upgrade.

    To find out how to style a plugin or widget, with it installed and displaying on my homepage I use the View->Source option available in browsers to view the code, which if you look closely you can see what div tags, etc are being applied to the widget.

    You can then add css to your style.css referencing those elements to style plugins or widgets

    The Atahualpa theme can be a bit tricky to add CSS in the common fashion of adding elements/properties to the style.css file.

    Using what @rvoodoo noted above, once you decide on the CSS element/property you want to modify, or add, you might want to read a post I wrote: https://buynowshop.com/2009/10/add-custom-css-to-atahualpa/

    Thread Starter danielwerner


    Oh, sorry, my URL is https://www.danielwerner.se

    As you see, “Bes?k” and “Etiketter” has no padding.

    I don’t mean to be lazy here, I’m just very scared to tamper with the code. ?? Could you please look through the code and help me with what to change?


    Using the directions from my post, you can try adding something along these lines using the Atahualpa theme control panel:

    #tag_cloud-3, #statpress {padding: 0 10px;}

    Hope that gets you what you are looking for …

    Thread Starter danielwerner


    Great! It works now! Thanks alot! ??

    The only problem is that I’ve set a 7px padding on the widget headlines, via the Atahualpa options, and that includes all widgets. So now it’s 10 + 7px on the widgets above (tag cloud and statpress).

    Thoughts? ??

    Have you looked at adding in addition to the above CSS something like this:

    #tag_cloud-3 div.widget-title h3,
    #statpress div.widget-title h3 {
      padding: 0 3px;

    You might have to play around with the numbers to get the effect you are looking for …

    Thread Starter danielwerner


    Hmmm, I tried that now, and I know that the code works (tried inputting 30px and the padding was longer). Although when I input 0px there is still some px padding, probably because of my setup in the Atahualpa theme options. So it’s the atahualpa padding PLUS the CSS padding… And I guess I can’t input “-3px”, right? ??

    I hope I don’t have to input different css-codes for every single widget, or is there some code I could input that involves all widgets?

    The ‘padding’ property will not accept a negative value (it will treat it as a zero) … the ‘margin’ property on the other hand will accept negative values.

    Sometimes you just have to play around with Atahualpa to find the right combination of properties and values.

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