Hi @testica,
My apologies for the delay in replying. Custom coding issues take a little longer to process.
To answers your questions in sequential order:
Excluding product pages from the SERP automatically is possible, but that requires using WordPress filters. The filter you’ve highlighted is for excluding product attribute terms, not products. This explains why it doesn’t work for you out of the box.
This adjusted version should work:
add_filter( 'the_seo_framework_robots_meta_array', 'my_robots_adjustments', 10, 1 );
function my_robots_adjustments( $robots = array() ) {
if ( ! function_exists( 'is_product' ) )
return $robots;
if ( is_product() ) {
// Keys match the value. Legacy code.
$robots['noindex'] = 'noindex';
$robots['nofollow'] = 'nofollow';
return $robots;
However, I recommend simply checking the related option checkboxes to have a consistent experience.
Adding tags/templates in titles isn’t possible; but, it’s planned:
To remove the noydir
(sitewide) and noindex
(tags) output, go to this view and adjust the options accordingly:
SEO Settings Page -> Robots Meta Settings -> General/Indexing
Note that noindex
is applied automatically when the query returns empty. So, some tags might have this if nothing is tagged to it.
Terms and taxonomies are not recieving support for sitemaps.
The plugin’s FAQ explains why under heading “The sitemap doesn’t contain categories, images, news, etc. is this OK?”:
This is not an issue. Search Engines love crawling WordPress because its structure is consistent and well known.
If a visitor can’t find a page, then why would a Search Engine? Don’t rely on your sitemap, but on your content and website’s usability.
I hope this helps ?? Cheers!