I found the solution myself: in case anyone is looking to the same, I found that redeclaring the library public static variable in wp-config.php seemed to do the trick. like so `WP_STATISTICS\GeoIP::$library = array(
‘country’ => array(
‘source’ => ‘Yoursourceaddressgoeshere’,
‘file’ => ‘GeoLite2-Country’,
‘opt’ => ‘geoip’,
‘cache’ => 31536000 //1 Year
‘city’ => array(
‘source’ => ‘Yoursourceaddressgoeshere’,
‘file’ => ‘GeoLite2-City’,
‘opt’ => ‘geoip_city’,
‘cache’ => 6998000 //3 Month
Likewise if you want to track private ip’s (i.e. you’re doing the tracking in a private network: add this again to wp-config and have the array of private subnets to be whatever you want it to be so that your IPs aren’t included e.g. or whatever.
WP_STATISTICS\IP::$private_SubNets = array(‘whatyouwantittobe’); //just set to random ip not in private range/localhost`
You then also need to modify wp-content/plugins/wp-statistics/includes/class-wp-statistics-ip.php isIP to make it: public static function isIP($ip)
return filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP);
and then in settings/visitorip page, I set it to use Use HTTP_X_REAL_IP or Use HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR which seemed to do the trick. Am aware this is probably a really specific use case, but might be useful to someone to know! (would be great to have a more native way to define the source address and disable private IP filters checking built into the plugin though!)
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by