• Resolved Mike Wiegand



    adding your plugin after many images have been added already, it generates a lot of notification most of which are warnings. These are pretty disturbing and even cause the media library, i.e. if you display 500 images, to not load et all.

    Is there an option to adjust the log level or disable certain checks all together?


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  • Plugin Author JS Morisset


    The first warning should include additional information about changes that you can make. Generally, if your original images are smaller than 1200px, they are way too small. Don’t forget that a 1200px image only fills a 600px container on most devices. See here https://wpsso.com/docs/plugins/wpsso/faqs/why-shouldnt-i-upload-small-images-to-the-media-library/ for more info.


    Thread Starter Mike Wiegand


    Thanks for your quick reply. The case I am making is that one might not always starts with a fresh system doing everything “pixel perfect”. If you have a situation, such as I deal with many clients, where you have to work with data matured over years, introducing this extension causes quite a lot of distraction.

    The lower resolution images are not idea, hence a warning is logged. Setting the log level to error would drastically improve the back office usability.

    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    The image warning notices should have a dismiss button, so you can dismiss them. If WPSSO Core could find an image that is large enough, then you wouldn’t see any warnings, so you could select a larger image in the Document SSO metabox or enable image upscaling.


    Thread Starter Mike Wiegand


    Clicking a thousand times vs. one change of a setting? I am not complaining but merely trying to help improving an awesome extension.

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