Yes, you can use this:
if( function_exists( 'shared_counts' ) {
You can also pass the following parameters to the display method:
– Location (adds a CSS class to the shared-counts-wrap so you can apply location-specific styling)
– Echo, whether you want it to echo or return the markup
– Style, specify a button style for this location, overriding the site-wide default style
– Post ID, specify a post ID different than the current post (ex: for a custom loop)
For instance, if you wanted to add a “sidebar-top” location that uses the icon style (different from the style you specified in Settings > Shared Counts) you can use this:
if( function_exists( 'shared_counts' ) {
shared_counts()->front->display( $location = 'sidebar-top', $echo = true, $style = 'icon' );
See the code for more information: