Set limit on entry for repeater field
How can I limit the number of entries for a repeater field? I expected it to be in the field settings but I don’t see it. This seems like a basic feature to avoid allowing unlimited entries. Thanks in advance!
There is an internal setting for repeatable field limits, but as far as I can tell, it is not yet implemented.
The plugin below modifies the internal setting for a repeater field and adds an observer using
The effect is that when a configured limit is reached, the
button is disabled and a message is displayed.This is the section for configuration, at the top:
* Configure repeatable field limits.
$repeatable_field_limits = [
// Name of the field.
'text_repeater' => [
// Maximum repeats.
'repeatable_limit' => 3,
// Message to display in disabled button.
'repeatable_limit_message' => __( 'Maximum entries reached.' ),
// ...create multiple entries for multiple field limits.
is the name of the field,3
is the limit, andMaximum entries reached
is the message to display when the limit for that field is reached.The section between
// Name of the field.
and// ...create multiple entries
can be repeated with different field names for limits on multiple fields.The full code below can be installed anywhere WordPress supports extensions:
to enable or disable on the Plugins screenwp-content/mu-plugins/pods-limit-repeatable-fields.php
to have it always be enabled- A theme’s
(possibly removing the opening<?php
tag) - A code snippets plugin
Scott will likely have attention on this in future versions. As far as I could see, the setting is there, but changing the setting did not change behavior. This adds the behavior from outside Pods, while adding a setting within the plugin will require revising the repeatable fields in JSX instead of the Pods DFV-JS-API.
* Plugin Name: Pods - Limit Repeatable Fields
* Description: Add a maximum number of entries for Pods repeatable fields, displaying a message and disabling the add button when the limit is reached.
* Version: 1
* Plugin URI:
* Configure repeatable field limits.
$repeatable_field_limits = [
// Name of the field.
'text_repeater' => [
// Maximum repeats.
'repeatable_limit' => 3,
// Message to display in disabled button.
'repeatable_limit_message' => __( 'Maximum entries reached.' ),
// ...create multiple entries for multiple field limits.
* Change the existing but not yet implemented setting 'repeatable_limit' for the fields from above.
function( $value, $key, $field ) use ( $repeatable_field_limits ) {
if (
'repeatable_limit' === $key // Setting for limiting repeater fields.
&& 'field' === $field->get_arg('object_type') // This is a field.
&& ! empty( $field->get_arg('repeatable') ) // The field is repeatable.
&& array_key_exists( $field->get_arg('name'), $repeatable_field_limits ) // The field name is a key in the new config.
) {
// Set new repeatable limit for this field.
return $repeatable_field_limits[ $field->get_arg('name') ]['repeatable_limit'];
return $value;
* Add script for limiting repeats to the Post Edit screen.
function() use ( $repeatable_field_limits ) {
* Post edit screen is edit.php
* User profile would be profile.php
* Taxonomy term would be edit-tags.php
if ( 'edit.php' !== get_current_screen()->parent_file ) {
* Messages for when the limit is reached.
* If the script were enqueued as a separate file, wp_localize_script() could be used.
$repeater_limit_i18n = [];
foreach( $repeatable_field_limits as $field_name => $config ) {
$repeater_limit_i18n[ $field_name ] = $config['repeatable_limit_message'];
<script id="limit-repeater-fields">
( () => {
const repeaterLimitI18n = <?php echo wp_json_encode( $repeater_limit_i18n ); ?>;
* Wait for Pods fields to load, then observe repeaters for changes.
function initRepeatableLimits() {
const groups = window.PodsDFV.getFieldValuesWithConfigs();
if ( 0 === groups.length ) {
setTimeout( initRepeatableLimits, 500 );
( group ) => {
const fieldKeys = Object.keys( group.fieldValues );
for( let i = fieldKeys.length; i--; ) {
let fieldName = fieldKeys[i];
if ( ! group.fieldValues[ fieldName ] ) {
observeRepeaterField( group.fieldValues[ fieldName ].fieldConfig );
* Observe repeater fields which have a non-zero limit.
function observeRepeaterField( config ) {
if ( ! config.repeatable || 0 === config.repeatable_limit ) {
let fieldWrapSelector = 'tr.pods-form-ui-row-name-' + '_', '-' );
let inputSelector =.pods-form-ui-field-name-${config.htmlAttr.name_clean}
let repeatableLimit = config.repeatable_limit;
let limitMessage = repeaterLimitI18n[ ];
// For each field wrapper. There should be only one.
document.querySelectorAll( fieldWrapSelector ).forEach(
( repeatingField ) => {
// Observe the inputs within the repeating field.
const observer = new MutationObserver(
(mutations ) => {
// When a change occurs...
(mutation) => {
const addButton = repeatingField.querySelector( 'button.pods-field-wrapper__add-button' );
if ( 'childList' === mutation.type && addButton !== ) {
// Either enable or disable the Add button.
toggleRepeatableAddButton( repeatingField, inputSelector, repeatableLimit, limitMessage, addButton );
// Attach the observer.
observer.observe( repeatingField, { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true } );
* When a repeater field changes, enable or disable the button and change the text.
function toggleRepeatableAddButton( repeatingField, inputSelector, repeatableLimit, limitMessage, addButton ) {
// Compare number of inputs to the repeatable limit.
const inputFields = repeatingField.querySelectorAll( inputSelector );
const disableButton = inputFields.length >= repeatableLimit;
// Note the original button text.
if ( ! addButton.dataset.originalText ) {
addButton.dataset.originalText = addButton.innerText;
// Choose the message depending on disabled state.
const newMessage = ( disableButton )
? limitMessage
: addButton.dataset.originalText;
// Set disabled state and message.
if ( addButton.disabled !== disableButton ) {
addButton.disabled = disableButton;
addButton.innerText = newMessage;
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', initRepeatableLimits );
} )();
);Thanks!! amazing.
I am using this for PMPro members when editing their Member profile – the POD is an extension for PMPro Membership – will it work for that? (front-end form for logged in members)
Maybe, just a couple changes would likely make it work frontend:
would replaceadmin_footer
for the action.- The if statement checking for edit.php would be removed:
if ( 'edit.php' !== get_current_screen()->parent_file ) {
}…then check the Web Inspector console for any errors if it does not work as expected after that.
There is a good chance it will work — frontend Pods forms also use DFV as used above. The class selectors such as:
…might differ, but I’d expect them to be the same.
Once working, a different if statement can be used to run only on the page containing the form.
I tested on admin Post Edit screen with a repeating text field, but was very generic with the selectors: they’re based on the field configuration and name, which tend to be used consistently throughout.
Sorry brief — on mobile / resting at the moment.
Let us know how it goes.
One additional note, as I don’t have the PMPro extension: the above comment would be for a frontend Pods form like
echo pods( 'user', get_current_user_id() )->form();
Because we’re discussing Pods repeater fields, I assume something like that is being used. If PMPro is outputting its own form containing Pods fields, it might be a different thing.
It’s a different thing… it’s the PMPro edit profile form which is coming from PMPro with the PODS PMPro extension adding the extra user fields to the profile.
I will test things in the staging site and let you know.
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