• Hi,

    I am using the W3 Total Cache plugin on a multi site WordPress install.

    For some reason I the “Set expires header” option, in browser settings is disabled. I cannot click on the checkbox to enable it.

    I’ve made sure mod_expires is enabled, and in .htaccess I made the edit below but still that checkbox will not become enabled so I can click it.

    <ifmodule mod_expires.c>
        ExpiresActive on

    Any help pointing me in the right direct would be appreciated.

    Thank you.


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  • Hello,

    We have the same issue here.
    I cannot click on any of the checkboxes “Set expires header” on de Browser Cache page.
    All other checkboxes are “clickable”

    Thank you for any help.

    Got the same issue in one domain on a dedicate server, that have other domains with “Set Expire Headers” available, but in one of them the option its greyed out.

    ?Any Guess?

    No problem here with the latest version of the plugin and WordPress.

    Ahhh – Same problem for me… at https://www.scottmorton.com.au
    Would be great to get an answer for this one if possible?

    Just triple check again in the same server with the same settings on each domain, same wp version 3.9 same plugins w3tc 0.9.4, only one of my sites the oldest one doesn’t allow me to select “Set Expires Header” its disabled, please Frederick Townes, help us with this issue.

    ?Anybody with a fix?

    Same here: WordPress 3.9, single-site, w3tc 0.9.4, PHP 5.4.25. Other installations on the same server, same setting work just fine (multi and single site). But this site is the only one using CDN (CloudFront/Pull). But disabling CDN doesn’t help either. Also my mirrored dev version of the site works fine. This is also my oldest wordpress installation, like diegosalcido mentioned before.


    Edit: Same problem on my mirrored dev site. Though when I activate WooDojo Maintenance Mode the option gets available.

    For some reason w3tc disables the checkbox’es when CloudFront cdn is selected in the cdn options. Even if the cdn option itself is off.

    So a solution is to change the cdn type to some other besides CloudFront and the checkboxes are enabled again.

    So, is it a bug? Any information from W3total?

    This i have seen to arise mainly due to conflicts with other plugins. I had experienced it once before a long time ago.

    I’ve got the same “untickable” set expires header on several sites but I’m using CloudFront as well. Not sure that Cloudfront is the issue but this sure is frustrating.

    This is likely because W3TC’s author read the CloudFront documentation. Specifically CloudFront state in their documentation:

    We recommend that you use the Cache-Control max-age directive instead of the Expires header field to control object caching. If you specify values both for Cache-Control max-age and for Expires, CloudFront uses only the value of max-age.

    For some reason w3tc disables the checkboxes when CloudFront cdn is selected in the cdn options. Even if the cdn option itself is off.

    So a solution is to change the cdn type to some other besides CloudFront and the checkboxes are enabled again.

    This solution works. after changing the CDN type clear all cache and then set expires header option gets enabled. Thanks to solution from fuflo.

    Anybody found a solution or a workaround to this yet? I.e to enable browser caching together with cloud front?

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