• Resolved edzio


    Is there a way to have all the default values of the sliders (and new sliders created in the future) to have different starting values?

    Specifically I would like all the sliders to have a different width, height values, responsive checked to ON, and have the arrow images set to my custom images (without having to edit every single slider each time with the correct image paths). This would help prevent clients from messing up the visual look of the slider when it comes time for them to create new sliders for the site.


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  • I haver the same issue. As a quick (and very ugly fix) you can edit these default values in /wp-content/plugins/easing-slider/includes/class-es-slider.php BUT of course these will get overwritten with the next update.

    I’m looking through the code and it looks like the plugin author has included several hooks and filters, which if I were a little smarter, I’m sure could be used to over-ride the defaults with your theme’s functions.php file, or a mini plugin.

    I’ll post back if I sort it out.

    Thread Starter edzio


    Nice, I look forward to seeing a possible solution – i certainly can’t figure it out.

    I saw the existing values in the plugin files, but never want to adjust core files that will be overwritten on the next update.

    OK. This was actually pretty easy. (thanks to a good plugin developer). I put something like the following in a little plugin, but it should also work in your theme’s functions.php file.

    // call your function to set default values with this filter
    add_filter('easingslider_metadata_defaults', your_set_easing_slider_defaults);
    // here's the function to setup the defaults you want
    function your_set_easing_slider_defaults() {
    	// Your array of meta default data
    	$metadata_defaults = array(
    		'slides'      => array(),
    		'general'     => (object) array(
    			'randomize'           => false
    		'dimensions'  => (object) array(
    			'width'               => 1200,
    			'height'              => 600,
    			'responsive'          => true,
    			'full_width'          => false,
    			'image_resizing'      => false,
    			'keep_ratio'          => true,
    			'background_images'   => false
    		'transitions' => (object) array(
    			'effect'              => 'fade',
    			'duration'            => 400
    		'navigation'  => (object) array(
    			'arrows'              => true,
    			'arrows_hover'        => false,
    			'arrows_position'     => 'inside',
    			'pagination'          => true,
    			'pagination_hover'    => false,
    			'pagination_position' => 'inside',
    			'pagination_location' => 'bottom-center'
    		'playback'    => (object) array(
    			'enabled'             => false,
    			'pause'               => 4000
    	return $metadata_defaults;
    Thread Starter edzio


    Perfect! Thanks so much!

    Thread Starter edzio


    Just noticed one issue. But when running this in my functions file it causes the navigation arrows and all values in the ‘customize’ area of the slider settings to be null.

    It successfully changes the values mentioned above, but it seems like since other values are not provided it is keeping them empty.

    Would you happen to know what the array values needed to populate the navigation arrows and other customize fields are?

    Good catch… I wasn’t using that area.

    This seems to work…

    // reset default values for easing-slider plugin
    add_filter('easingslider_metadata_defaults', your_set_easing_slider_defaults);
    function your_set_easing_slider_defaults() {
    	// Our array of meta default data
    	$metadata_defaults = array(
    		'slides'      => array(),
    		'general'     => (object) array(
    			'randomize'           => false
    		'dimensions'  => (object) array(
    			'width'               => 800,
    			'height'              => 600,
    			'responsive'          => true,
    			'full_width'          => false,
    			'image_resizing'      => false,
    			'keep_ratio'          => true,
    			'background_images'   => false
    		'transitions' => (object) array(
    			'effect'              => 'fade',
    			'duration'            => 400
    		'navigation'  => (object) array(
    			'arrows'              => true,
    			'arrows_hover'        => false,
    			'arrows_position'     => 'inside',
    			'pagination'          => true,
    			'pagination_hover'    => false,
    			'pagination_position' => 'outside',
    			'pagination_location' => 'bottom-center'
    		'playback'    => (object) array(
    			'enabled'             => false,
    			'pause'               => 4000
    		'customizations' => (object) array(
    			'arrows'     => (object) array(
    				'next'     => "{$plugin_url}/nav-arrow-next.png",
    				'prev'     => "{$plugin_url}/nav-arrow-prev.png",
    				'width'    => 30,
    				'height'   => 30
    			'pagination' => (object) array(
    				'inactive' => "{$plugin_url}/nav-icon-inactive.png",
    				'active'   => "{$plugin_url}/nav-icon-active.png",
    				'width'    => 15,
    				'height'   => 15
    			'border'     => (object) array(
    				'color'    => '#000000',
    				'width'    => 0,
    				'radius'   => 0
    			'shadow'     => (object) array(
    				'enabled'  => false,
    				'image'    => "{$plugin_url}/shadow.png"
    	return $metadata_defaults;

    Notice the array for “customizations” added.

    Thread Starter edzio


    That does it for me! Perfect. Thanks again!

    @edzio could you mark this discussion as resolved then?

    Thread Starter edzio


    Done and done. thanks again

    Hi verdonv!

    Thank you very much for your code!
    I just added it and it works like a charm!

    Thank you once again!

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