Thanks for the link! So using that tutorial as an example you could try two things:
1) Track whenever the submit button is clicked. Add this to the “Custom JavaScript” area on the “Form” tab:
jQuery('.rtec-submit-button').attr("onclick","ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'Forms', eventAction: 'Mailing List Subscription', eventLabel: 'Sidebar'});");
2) Track whenever there is a successful registration. Add this to the “Custom JavaScript” area on the “Form” tab:
window.rtecAfterSubmit = function() {
ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'Forms', eventAction: 'Mailing List Subscription', eventLabel: 'Sidebar'});
The advantage of the second snippet is that it will only record successful registrations and not when someone clicks the button but has errors in the form. Let me know if this doesn’t seem to work. It might be beyond what I can provide support for but I can definitely help as best as I can!
– Craig