• Hi support team,

    One of your prerequisites is: Your website doesn’t have a Service Worker already.

    The problem is I’ve been using Super Progressive Web Apps plugin that have different feature that I need.

    Do you have any solution?
    Because I don’t want to delete that plugin.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author ImgHaste


    Hello @tingwe

    Yes we do have a solution on that. IH is capable of converting your website to a PWA using a simple manifest file.

    Some manual work needs to be done, feel free to reach out our live chat support and we will guide you through.

    Notice that PWA support is within our future plans using a simple checkbox on our plugin page but this is not implemented yet.

    That being said, we do have some case studies to show that this is possible.

    for example:

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