Hi, Please see my comments below:
1. Add Post And New button. No refresh page is better!(for speed)
This is a no go, this would involve a lot of AJAX & javascript. One option is to have a page just fo adding new posts, using shortcode: [frontier-post frontier_mode=add]
2. Empty title automatic from content like P2 theme. Instead a warning. can set the title length.(for speed)
This one, I will consider as it make sense, mig be a fixed width – the number of settings available in FP is making it quite complex for new users…
3. No leave page Admin can one click approve or delete post.
Please explain, you can delete post from the list – I can add an approve button, if editor/admin to both list & edit page – Could make sense
4. Hide empty categories.
This makes sense, but I need to figure out how – As Categories can be hierarchical, it can cause some issues leaving out some categories.
5. No login submit post as author A, author B, author C…(Anonymous)
This is an absolute no-go. If you allow to post without login, you will bypass essential worpress security.
“Disable control of Admin Bar” not work.
– Can this be due to a conflict with another plugin. Be aware that there is a setting in FP advanced settings, where you can disable control of the admin bar, as it can conflict with other plugins with the same featur.
“Word count” work not well with other language.
This is a standard wordpress feature, so out of my control :), in latest version of FP, you can decide to use the tinymce wordcount instead.