@phild11 –
Where are you trying to copy it to? It sounds as though you want a copy of your existing WP on the same hosting account. If so, here’s how (you have done some already ??
– export the existing db
– create a new, empty db and import the exported file into it
– edit the siteurl and home fields of the wp-options table in the new db with the new location; e.g. given the existing site is:
… and you are making a copy of it in a folder on your hosting account named /sitecopy
, then it’s:
– create this folder in the root of your hosting account (public_html)
– COPY all the files and folders in the root of your account to this folder (given that the root is where your existing WP site is located)
– edit the wp-config.php file in /sitecopy with the new db connection details (only thing that should change, or have to be changed, is the db name; user, pwd and host should (can be) the same)
– log into the sitecopy dashboard with :
– install and run this plugin to update the URLs to the new location:
— select all options EXCEPT the last one (GUID)
– once that is done, go to Settings > Permalinks and just Save
Using your hosting account cPanel, you can then, if you want, create either a sub domain which points to this new folder, (e.g. copy.domain.com
) or you can create and Add on Domain, using a new domain name.