• I have a peculiar problem with the scheduled sermons not posting. They miss their scheduled posting time. When going to edit that particular sermon, it doesn’t say it missed it’s schedule (like you sometimes see). I just says it’s scheduled to be published at a specific time, even though that time already passed. When I click Update, the sermon then gets published.

    It’s not a time zone issue, because sermons have missed their publish date by several days.

    I don’t think it’s a cron issue (though it could be), because my normal blog posts are posting as scheduled. It’s just the sermon post type.

    I don’t think it’s a plugin issue, because this site has had the same set of plugins for over a year since it was built with nothing changing. It’s a highly trafficked site, so disabling plugins is a nightmare and absolute last resort (but then again, it testing would also take a while). I’ve also installed WP Cron but that didn’t resolve it.

    It only started happening in the past few weeks, so I think it may have something to do with WordPress 4.6, which was released around that time, and also this plugin hasn’t been updated in several months.

    Which is a side question – is plugin development still active? Of the different methods to display sermons, I banked an organization’s 1,000+ sermons on this plugin, and it would be a shame if it was abandoned.

    Back to the problem – anyone have ideas on how to resolve this?

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  • I have this missing schedule issue too. Mine is food blog and last wednesday and today my scheduled posts missed the schedule. I happened only after WP 4.6 update. It works fine on other days. All my posts are same recipe post. I am looking for help too

    I’m almost always releasing on Thursday – and I’ve had two misses in a row.

    This is a big issue for me.

    It needs to be submitted as a bug.

    Hello Steven and others,

    No the plugin is not abandoned. We are on a limited support staff and most of my time is spent supporting paid users.

    Regarding missed posts this is the first I have ever heard of this in all the years supporting sermon manager. I highly suspect something about WP 4.6 is the problem but I don’t have the time to really dig into it right now. In the mean time have you followed through with these basic troubleshooting steps:

    1) Does missed scheduled posts only affect sermons? (Steven verified this but srividhya and darkuni did not) Schedule not-sermon posts to determine if they post OK.

    2) Do you have any caching plugins active? Disable all caching services before the next scheduled sermon post to see if it makes a difference. This is true even if you have used caching before without a problem.

    Many other forums reporting issues with missing scheduled posts since version 4.6 so I highly suspect that the underlying issue relates to WP core at the moment…

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