@annezazu Well, let me start with a list of things that suck about the block editor in wordpress:
1. Exponentially harder for developers
It would be great if all settings were available in Theme.json. However, I have to put some things in the theme.json and what I can’t do in theme.json, I have to do in the style.css (which I might add does not automatically get are applied to the site like before). Many times, those styles do not, for some mysterious reason, take effect when viewing the page. If you want to design a site visually, then you have to turn ON the settings that we are so used to having access to–I don’t know–like padding and margins! It’s like this whole blocks editor is made for the dumbest of users so they can put the blocks. But, there’s a problem with that…
2. Exponentially harder for users to use
I’m a web developer and even I have trouble figuring things out like, should I use a group and then a column in a group or should i use a row, or what the hell can I use so the contents of a block can be vertically centered. If I’m having that much trouble, imagine the frustration of my users who maybe are not so technically minded! My users are okay with the tinymce editor because they have probably used a word processor in their life. If I introduced this to my users, I would end up adding everything to their site for them. So who the hell is this mess designed for anyway??? I spent hours trying to figure out a way to change the styles for one paragraph with a particular CSS class in the theme.json only to give up and set it in the style.css. The only problem is, it shows up in the editor and not in the page. Why? I have no clue because the class HELL that is generated in the page is worse than the use tax code! To me, it’s like trying to create a website by telling an assistant to do stuff, but he can’t hear very well and is a bit of an idiot!
3. I have o learn a whole new tag language to create a permanent template
Or, as stupid as it is, I have to create things in the block editor and then copy the block into my vs code to make it “permanent”. It took me two hours to create something resembling the html css header of a site that I just finished that I created in HTML css in about 10 minutes??? Even then, I couldn’t make it look exactly like it.
4. Why do I want my users messing around with my whole site when they don’t know web design at all?
Yes, I know you can disable things and lock things, but that takes extra effort to disable things in theme.json and enabling other things, but then they do they have access to stuff I don’t want them to change in the first place??? They have enough options in the tinyMCE and if you need another one, then there are ways to put extra buttons in there that do other things!
If you force this on people without allowing the classic editor ongoing, you are going to have a lot of developers like myself who are not going to try to go from Texas to Florida by way of Canada to do the same thing we can do easily with classic wordpress and we will be jumping ship and tell the wordpress powers that be that they can kiss our colective a**es. I want to create websites for people. I don’t want to spend hours trying to figure out a cobbled-together Frankstein Monster that makes my job much harder and much slower. We are also not going to stand for our users having a much harder time updating their own websites because of some ill-conceived and poorly paradigm shift. As we say in the south: “Ain’t broke, don’t fix it” </rant-over>
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by