• Hey guys..

    the invocation for the comments template is <?php comments_template(); ?>

    that generates the input boxes as well as performs the loop to display all the comments associated with the blog post.

    What i’m trying to do is seperate those 2 things, so that i can display the input boxes (name, email, comments etc), in a seperate place on the page and then have the loop for the comments display elsewhere on the page… ie, not all in one concurrent row…

    appreciate your help… thanks

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  • I am trying the exact same thing, and i have figured out how to solve it visualy. The only problem is that this returns a blank page instead of posting the comments.

    Any solutions?

    Like this
    https://www.evitanet.info/2006/10/02/33/ ?

    In that case, it is easy:
    Put in the normal single.php a new div (float:left).
    In this div put the commentform (and maybe your sidebar-content).
    Delete <?php get_sidebar(); ?>.
    Delete from the comments.php the commentform.

    And that was about it.

    I am sorry Evita, but its not exactly what I were looking for. Thanks for trying though ??

    I have succeeded in separating the writing-comment-part from the reading-comment-part, but the comments will not display. Instead i get the “No comments yet” message, although there are comments to the post.

    My page is in norwegian, so you may not be able to understand what is written in the menues and other places. The post is just a “Lorem ipsum-text” at this stage, since I am only developing my theme.

    If anyone have the solution for displaying the comments that should be there, I am very greatfull.


    I have given up for now, and just used the regular display of comments.

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