• I’ve thought of one way to do this, but it seems kind of messy. So I thought I’d see if anyone has come up with anything better.

    Is it possible to create multiple galleries that are attached to a single page, but keep the images in separate clusters when inserted on a page.

    For example:


    The way I have thought about doing it is just taking a random post or a new post and uploading the images for Gallery1 into it, and then again in a separate post for Gallery2, and just using the gallery shortcode on the page that I’d like them to show.

    Any other ideas?

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  • crazypcro


    I am currently looking for this also, it’s a key feature for a site with lots of content…

    Did you find any other way of doing it?

    (latest version – wordpress 2.7.1)



    I don’t believe how this is not yet implemented. Almost every time I write a post I want to group photos in diferent blocks on the same page.

    Can someone move this thread to “feature requests” section?



    Would the Featured Content Gallery plugin do the job? I was on their forum yesterday, think it could.

    Yeah! I’ve been searching for such plugin for quite long time!!! It’s quite a simple feature, I can’t believe that it isn’t a standard feature.

    In 1 post, have several groups of photos from same gallery.
    Maybe something like:

    Photos of Landscapes:
    [gallery group="landscape"]

    Photos of Cities:
    [gallery group="city"]
    blablalbla text

    And in the gallery (Add New Media feature) make it possible to create a group and drag the photos into the group. Then a button: “insert group into the post”

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