Hi @johnq8686
I’m not sure to what e-mail you’re referring to. There’s no need for one. ??
You should be able to post all the necessary details on here and that would be more than perfect.
Alrighty, so I took a look at the video and sadly, this is something that we do not have control over. This is something coming from the built-in Gutenberg editor, which is solely controlled by WordPress itself. The core Gutenberg blocks might be limited in this regard, as they do not allow font sizes to be changed on a per device basis.
There are two workarounds here –
- You may reset your font size inside the page editor, so that these blocks will inherit the options from the Customiser -> Typography section. If you choose this route, the Typography section – https://creativethemes.com/blocksy/docs/general-options/typography/ – will let you control these on a per device basis, with the little three icons that I was speaking of earlier.
- Alternatively, you may want to look at a Gutenberg extender plugin, which comes with new blocks and many more options. There are plenty of choices available on the WordPress store, so feel free to look around and see which one works best for you.
Hope this clears things up!
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
Eduard. Reason: proper answer