Separate blog on a page. Can this be done?
Hello WordPress community! I’m new to WordPress and in fact, I’m new to having my own website. Just wondering if the following can be done.
In the past, I have been using for my English blog and Blogger for my Chinese blog. Now that I have my own domain and hosting services, I would like to merge them together onto the same domain but on a separate page. However, I can’t figure out how to make a page into a separate blog.
I have installed WordPress on my website and this is what I want to do. I want my ‘Home’ page to be an English blog (which I already have done). But how can I create a page so that it’s also a blog? Because I want to then import my Chinese blog from Blogger but onto a separate page.
Please click here to visit my site.
Thanks heaps in advance!
PK Lai
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