• Hello WordPress community! I’m new to WordPress and in fact, I’m new to having my own website. Just wondering if the following can be done.

    In the past, I have been using WordPress.com for my English blog and Blogger for my Chinese blog. Now that I have my own domain and hosting services, I would like to merge them together onto the same domain but on a separate page. However, I can’t figure out how to make a page into a separate blog.

    I have installed WordPress on my website and this is what I want to do. I want my ‘Home’ page to be an English blog (which I already have done). But how can I create a page so that it’s also a blog? Because I want to then import my Chinese blog from Blogger but onto a separate page.

    Please click here to visit my site.

    Thanks heaps in advance!
    PK Lai

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  • If you are new to wordpress, take a little time to understanf what a PAGE is in the wordpress terminology :


    And also, a must read :

    My fisrt guess would be to create two big mother categories : english and japanese. Then, these categories could have their own sub-categories. Then, on your index, you can choose to display only posts from the english category if you like to do so.

    You can also use a WordPress PAGE with a loop to display posts only from the category japanese. For this, you will have to understand what is a “page template” and “the loop”.


    Thread Starter PK Lai


    Thank you so much Simon!

    That’s extremely helpful! Will spend some time reading and see if I can get my plan to work.

    I hope that I can get it to work with my very limited knowledge with codes. Once again, thank you so mcuh for your reply!

    PK Lai

    I would suggest you go through this decision making first..

    1. Is it separate blogs that I want for these or just separate parent categories. In either case, you will be able to make the content be available in different ‘pages’, or addresses.

    2. If it is separate parent categories, no worries. You’re all set with a normal WP install and just need to make sure you have two top level categories for the 2 blogs you want to merge. All categories within those blogs will go in as sub-categories to the respective parent category.

    3. If it is different blogs you want, there are 2 options again:
    3a. Two sets of WP files maintained separately and independantly. Upgrades and maintenance need to be done on both whenever necessary. The address you will have in this case can be subdirectory or subdomain (i.e. https://pklai.com/b1 or https://b1.pklai.com/)

    3b. Two blogs running out of the same installation. In this case you need to maintain only one installation, but need to tweak the wp-config to make both blogs to run from same installation. In both cases, you can use separate URL’s to point to indivudual installations if your host allow domain aliases.

    Once you are clear with what is required, you’ll find enough help in these forums to do each of those.

    I am looking to do the same thing, I was hoping to maintain a separate microblog, separate from the main content of my blog. I’m curious as to how I could go about doing this, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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