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  • kmessinger


    You first need to get rid of this,
    <!– standard tags to display blog post information like the_title() here –>
    <!– standard tags to display blog post information like the_title() here –>
    <!– standard tags to display blog post information like the_title() here –>
    <!– standard tags to display the static page information like the_title() here –>
    that is loading before <DOCTYPE>

    I only see one title, ECHO FESTIVAL, Makarska, Croatia 22nd – 24th JUNE 2012, if that is the title, in FF and in IE9.

    Thread Starter echofestival


    Sorry but where is:

    <!– standard tags to display blog post information like the_title() here –>
    <!– standard tags to display blog post information like the_title() here –>
    <!– standard tags to display blog post information like the_title() here –>
    <!– standard tags to display the static page information like the_title() here –>

    That you have referred to?

    If you look at my website page, for example this page:

    The title still appears after the page title ….. ???



    The above code shows up in the source code before <DOCTYPE> which has to be first. That means IE will open in the quirks mode. More than likely they came from something you tried to install 4 times.

    On the travel page, which has the problem, this is on line 33 of the source code and is also on all the incorrect pages.

    <!-- This site is optimized with the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin v1.1.5 - -->
    <link rel="canonical" href="" />
    <!-- / Yoast WordPress SEO plugin. -->

    On the Travel page which has the correct title the above is absent as it is on all the correct pages.

    So the plugin is not working on all pages. Try deactivate the plugin and then delete it. Then reinstall it.

    Thread Starter echofestival


    Kmessinger I have deleted and re-installed the plug-in.

    The site title still appears after every page title….?

    So are you saying that I just need to removed those 4 lines that you have mentioned?

    I’m sorry but I did not completley understand you last comment?

    Thread Starter echofestival


    Currently the title section in my header.php looks like this:

    Did not understand the last help info, could someone help me?



    if the problem is within the meta title code of your theme, please contact the theme seller for support, as this seems to be a commercial theme with which this forum is unable to help.

    Gary Darling


    I had the same problem with Yoast, here’s how I fixed it:

    • Change the default title tag to the simple one per Yoast’s instructions (like you did above)
    • In the Title section of the SEO plugin, make your page and post titles look something like this: %%sitedesc%% | %%title%% | %%sitename%%
    • Update/save, flush your browser cache, and check your titles
    • You can change the tags around to your liking per Yoast’s instructions
    Thread Starter echofestival


    Thanks gary darling, your advice has now pointed me in the right direction.

    So in my page title, I have added %%title%%, so that only that page title appears which is great.

    The last remaining issue, is the tab description of the website. (not sure if that’s what you call it, but the little decription which you can see on the internet browser tab with your page open? If you get me…I think its the metadescription.

    Basically, is there a way to include a “-” in the Page title template box in SEO Yoast, so that I could put it next to %%title%% to then separate it from the website name?

    At the moment it looks like this:

    metadescription: Our FamilyEcho Festival

    Thread Starter echofestival


    Or to somehow revert back to the standard style of the page being Our Family | Echo Festival

    Thread Starter echofestival


    Ok so I am almost there.

    I changed the title tag to Yoast’s description: <title><?php wp_title(”); ?></title> and I un-checked for re-write.

    So now, in page title section of Yoast SEO I have put in: %%title%% | %%sitename%%

    Which is fine for the Home & News page, as on the tab description of the page they read Home | Echo Festival and News | Echo Festival

    The problem is that on the remaining pages, on the page title they still appear About | Echo Festival, and so on..

    I just want to remove the | Echo Festival bit out of the page titles!!!!

    Gary Darling


    Well, you could put some php in there to test which page you are on, then change the title accordingly. I think that defeats the goal of the Yoast SEO plugin, though. If I remember correctly, Yoast claims that good SEO means that your page titles should always reflect your site name, as well as the keyword(s) of the page. That’s probably why there is no easy way to disable that.

    That said, if you are really intent on it, I might use this psuedocode:

    ‘if ( is_home() || is_front_page() {
    code for my home page title
    } else if {
    code for my news page title
    } else {
    wp_title(‘ ‘);
    } end if );’

    I’m not a big fan of that because I think Yoast is on the right track. If someone is searching google and sees a link to your page, your site name is not obvious to them like it should be.

    But there it is.

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