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  • I’m Having this issue too.

    Same problem for us

    Same here as well. Thought maybe it was my theme but 2014 has the same error.

    Me too!


    Updating after 4.0 update caused a entire crash on my site. I had to remove WP SEO until it’s resolved (I guess I could backstep it too)

    Same here and when I sent a message to them all I got was some lame response that I needed to buy their $89 pro version if I wanted any sort of support.

    Plugin Contributor Joost de Valk


    I can guarantee you it’s not “just” WordPress SEO and WP 4.0 as we already have several hundred thousand sites using the two together and this thread would be a lot more crowded if that was the case.

    So, it’s a collision with another plugin. If you look in your JavaScript console you might see an error that shows you what’s going wrong.

    I too have a problem since updating to 4.0: when I try to modify any option in wordpress SEO (for example change something in the sitemap settings) the modifications aren’t saved.
    When I press the update button I get a blank screen with this address:
    and nothing happens.

    I checked with javascript console and no errors are reported.

    I had the same problem and it was a conflict with my google maps plugin. After deactivating the google maps plugin all of my WordPress Yoast SEO options returned!

    Plugin Contributor Joost de Valk


    @travelgeektara: Which google maps plugin was that?

    Joost de Valk,

    Im having another problem with WP version 4.0.

    The home is getting the title and description of my last post. How can i fix it? Thx

    Same for me Joost… I disabled my Comprehensive Google Map Plugin and now the SEO works again.

    Thread Starter stellamaris5


    I don’t have Google Maps so can’t disable that.

    I had Google Analytics which I disabled – no change.

    Then I disabled the SEO and reenabled , no change, I will continue to try and fix it if I come up with any results I will reply back

    Joost de Valk, It was the comprehensive google maps plugin. I’ve had no problems since disabling.

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