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  • Same question here with All In One SEO! I used the previous following shortcode:

    <!–:en–>meta desc in English<!–:–><!–:fr–>meta desc in French<!–:–>

    But it’s no longer working. The website shows in the meta desc “meta desc in English meta desc in French” whatever the language of the page.

    Could someone please help us as it is crucial for SEO?

    Plugin Author Gunu


    Maybe this does work?

    [:en]meta desc in English[:fr]meta desc in French

    I am using q-Translate-X with All in One SEO Pack. Except for the keywords field, it is working fine for me, both for the regular meta tags and Open Graph/Twitter Card tags.

    For the Title field, the <!–:en–> type tags are used by default and it seems to work properly.

    For the Description field (textarea), the <!– type tags do not work even though we are generally supposed to use those for textareas. I tried the [:en] type tags and the Description field now works properly.

    The Keywords field (text input) does not work with either type of tag. As with the Description field, the <!– tags have their < and > converted to entities. The [:en] tags cause the keywords to appear just as I entered them, tags and all.

    Example: [:en]english, keywords[:de]german, keywords[:es]spanish, keywords[:pt]portuguese, keywords

    The SEO Keywords input field in the page/post editor has the name “aiosp_keywords,” but no ID or class. I tried listing “aiosp_keywords” in the id field under the “Custom Fields” section in the qTranslate-X settings area, but it didn’t help, even if I prepended the name with < or [.

    Because the Title and Description fields do work, I’m thinking the issue is more likely to be with All in One SEO Pack rather than qTranslate-X. I may post in the other plugin’s support forum at some point, but this is a minor issue for me since keywords aren’t really important anymore. I may just disable them.

    Please check this page and you’ll see the [:en] or [:fr] tag aren’t working in the meta desc.

    As per the all in One SEO pack, see their answer here.

    That’s everyone else’s fault ;).

    Regarding the answer in the SEO plugin thread: Wow, that’s a pretty rude response IMO. I posted asking what multilanguage plugins they do support. Let’s see if they answer. I guess I won’t bother writing that previously discussed post over there.

    I can’t imagine why my description works and yours does not. I like WordPress a lot, but plugin/theme conflicts can be really frustrating.

    The only other thing I can think to suggest is to add “aiosp_description” to the Custom Fields section of the qTranslate-X settings page. Also try prepending it with a [ bracket.

    Also, I did check the box for Compatibility Functions on the qtrans settings page. I’m doubtful that is helpful in this case, though. The only reference to qtranslate I see in the SEO plugin is for the qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage function (line 2449 of aioseop_class.php).

    Are you using the latest qtrans version from GitHub? If not, give it a shot if you can. It did fix a few quirks for me.

    Thanks for answering me in such details and so quick! Where should I add “aiosp_description” ?

    There’s an ID field and a Class field. I’ve tried to put “aiosp_description” and “[aiosp_description” in the Custom Fields section (ID field & Class field) as you suggested to no avail …

    But why using “aiosp_description”? I can’t see it matching any of the class or ID of the meta desc for this page so I think it’s normal it’s not working but maybe I didn’t get it!

    As per the latest version I’ve installed the one from GitHub and I’m still seeing my [:en] and my [:fr] in the meta desc … ??

    I quit, my multilingual WP blog will never have SEOptimized meta desc!

    When you’re in the editing area for a page/post, the SEO input fields appear below everything else. If you right-click on any input field, a menu should pop up. Choose Inspect Element from that menu and you will see the source code for the element. From that, I saw the name of the SEO meta description textarea is “aiosp_description.” It does not have an id or class, though. Since name is like ID in that it should only appear once on a page, I thought the name attribute could be used in the ID box in the qtrans Custom Fields section. I’m sorry it didn’t help you.

    I’m not intimately familiar with this plugin’s code, but I am thinking maybe it’s possible for the qtrans author to add support (in the Custom Fields section) for the name attribute in addition to ID and class. Maybe that would help in situations like this.

    Don’t give up, though. This author has been extremely helpful and attentive in trying to work out the various bugs people have reported. I have already seen a few of my issues resolved. I’m glad I chose this particular fork of qTranslate rather than the handful of others out there. ??



    I was able to solve my AIOSEO meta keywords translation issue by adding the filter “aioseop_keywords” to the Custom Filters box under qTranslate-X’s Advanced Settings.

    There is also a filter called “aioseop_description” that may help with those having AIOSEO meta description translation issues. Try adding this filter to qTranslate-X’s Custom Filters to see if it solves the problem.

    I am using qTranslate-X along with the WordPress SEO plugin (by yoast team), with the “WordPress SEO & qTranslate-X” plugin installed on my site.

    It seems everything is good except the static home/front page. I can set the “SEO title” and “Meta description” in the static page for different language, and after saving the changes I can see something like “[:en]Acupuncture Melbourne | BEST Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Clinic | Melbourne Acupuncturist | Acupuncture Forest Hill[:zh]墨尔本中医 | 倍思堂中医针灸诊所 | 肩颈痛腰痛中医调理IVF支持[:]” appears in the “SEO Title” in the “All Pages” view. But in the browser my site title still showing the old English one, no matter I toggle the language.

    Anyone using “WordPress SEO” along with qTranslate-X has the problem?

    To my surprise, this problem has gone away this morning when I browse my website, but I didn’t do anything! And When I tested yesterday it got the problem even I purged the cache and disabled the cache plugin. Any way, the good thing is it works now!

    The “WordPress SEO by Yoast” v2.0 comes out today, anyone has update experience to share?

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