varsha27, please make sure you have read my earlier comment in this ticket if you have not already done so (I’m referring to the 2nd comment in this same item where I explain about the 2 emails and which is which). I assume you’ve read it since you’re commenting on this one, but just making sure…
so if the admin is getting an email & you have set things up correctly, then that is the “notification email”. It lists which files the user downloaded, but those filenames are not links. There are no links or attachments on the notification email.
the other email, which goes to the user, should have a link and/or attachment depending on how you set things up. it sounds like that email is not making it to the user. that is a common problem. some email providers block incoming email where the From: of the email doesn’t match the actual account/system doing the sending (particularly if you not have set up the proper spam validation stuff like SPF, DKIM, DomainKeys, etc).
Your best bet is to install a plugin called Postman SMTP. Everyone who has had the problem that has installed that plugin has been able to get things working. The author is also very helpful, if needed. see
Alternatively, you can install which is a plugin that will allow you to set the From: of the email that is sent to the user by Email Before Download. You can set the From: to be a valid username at your domain. Note that every time you change your EBD settings it will actually blank out the From: setting in the Custom Sender for Email Before Download plugin, so you’ll have to go put it back in there.
Either option works, but Postman SMTP is what I would recommend — it has lots of help & logging & such to make diagnosing further issues easier.