Hi there. The address and company are not done at the moment. The phone number from the order is sent. The organization name could be set (it is a standard field on ActiveCampaign) and I should add this (keep an eye out for a change).
The address is not quite trivial, but certainly something I would like to do. The reason it is not just a couple of lines of code is that ActiveCampaign does not have a standard customer address field. It would have to be a custom field. So not only do I need to allow clients to map billing and shipping address to their custom fields, but I also need to give them the option of doing it as a single field (i.e. they have a custom field for the whole address) or multiple custom fields (because they have a field each for address line 1, line 2, city, state, postcode, country).
As such sending address fields will be rather messy unless ActiveCampaign CRM adds a ‘standard’ address field. I have been waiting in vain, but am still hopeful. You would expect any CRM to have this, it is just that ActiveCampaign started life as email marketing software so the CRM part is less developed.