• Resolved daudtivan


    Is there a way to trigger the review email with code?

    I want to use it for events, but just want to ask a review for people that checked in for it (those that WERE there).

    I can add an event in ShopMagic to detect whenever someone checks in an event, and then fire an action programmed to trigger the reminder email.

    It’s pretty much like the manual e-mail stuff, but on code.

    Would that be possible?

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  • Plugin Support pear8398



    Thank you for using CusRev.

    I think that is possible. You can create a new instance of the class Ivole_Email and call the function trigger2() to send a review reminder email with code.
    You can read more about this action in the file wp-content/plugins/customer-reviews-woocommerce/includes/reminders/class-cr-manual.php – line 190.

    Plugin Support bagel1317


    We haven’t heard from you for more than two weeks. For this reason, I’ll assume that either you are not interested in this question/problem anymore or it has been resolved. If you still require any help, please start a new forum topic.

    Thread Starter daudtivan


    Sorry for not replying before. Yep, I’m looking into it and will implement it end to end.

    Already have the shopmagic event drafted to work with fooevents and will proceed to code the email trigger action soon.

    I’ll share it on github and will post the link here to those interested on looking to it and collaborate with it.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Thread Starter daudtivan


    Ok. Created wp-reviewrequest public repository in GitHub with context, references and initial code.

    Everyone is welcome to collaborate and contribute.

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