• Hi, I’m still currently setting this plugin up to work on my site. In sandbox mode I have a test member account that has paid via the button to the sandbox paypal account and successfully received the automatic email in order to complete registration. I have clicked the link that it supplies and all looks great. I have purposefully not completed registration for the test member so I can do further testing.

    The site is now live and sandbox turned off with the correct paypal account in place etc. It all seems to be working fine and we have had one successful transaction already by a live member and they have completed the registration without any problems.

    I am still doing further testing though and in Settings->Tools tab I can see that you can generate the correct link in order to send a reminder to complete registration.

    If I tick the “Send Registration Reminder Email Too” box should that send the reminder out?

    No email is received when I do this. I could just copy the link and email it manually but I’m about to import 70 members. They will all need a reminder email sending to them with their unique link so that they can complete fields such as address etc.

    Is there a correct way to be able to email 70 members with their unique link to complete registration? All other automatic emails seem to work fine such as the one you tick when you notify the member you have updated their account so I don’t think I have any general problems with sending emails out using the plugin. The debug log doesn’t record anything when I use the “Send Registration Reminder Email Too” box.


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  • Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Hi, thank you for clarifying further what you are trying to do. From what you say in the following paragraph, what you are trying to do won’t work as you plan.

    I thought at this stage I could then go into WP Simple Membership > settings > tools and use the facility there to send out confirmation links to the users to get them to complete their registration by ensuring “For All Incomplete Registrations ” is ticked and “Send Registration Reminder Email Too” is ticked but no email is sent.

    The registration process notifies PayPal that a payment has been made and a link is sent to the member to finalize the subscription as per information below.

    You can manually generate a registration completion link here and give it to your customer if they have missed the email that was automatically sent out to them after the payment.

    However in your case this is not carried out. You are simply importing members and then trying to send them a reminder e-mail to finalize their subscription without any payment. This action cannot be carried out in your case.

    I think that is what is happening in your case.

    Thread Starter cannon303


    Hi thanks for your reply and help in this matter. It wasn’t sending out a reminder when I clicked that button even when I did it for a live membership transaction and had actually paid £10. In the end I generated registration completion links for all 70 members and sent them out individually. Only took about 45 minutes to do so not a big problem.

    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    That is very good to hear. You can mark this support thread as resolved.

    Thank you

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