• Resolved valvand


    unfortunately I do not receive the notification email when a user registers for an event. Instead, the email that reaches the user for registration works.
    I entered my email correctly in the registration section of the plugin.


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  • Likewise

    Plugin Author Alan Fuller


    I have extensively tested this and can fine no scenario where I don’t get the notification email.

    I did not that the ‘from’ address was being set to the booker’s email – and some email services e.g. gmail treat that as spoofing and reject such emails

    What email service are you both using?

    As of 9.2.2 this has been changed where the ‘from’ email is always there system email, and the booker’s email is set to ‘reply to’

    I hope your issue is about deliverability – as technically the software does always seem to send email.

    Hi Alan
    In auto responder I have changed the “from” to default admin email which changed nothing.
    Not sure what you mean by “from” address being sent and spoofing. Surely we need a from so the customer can reply?
    My email is through 1and1 Ionos to thunderbird on the pc.
    Although it always worked perfectly until the last update 9.2.2
    I did notice that 9.2.3 was available but it wasn’t found on update?
    So, I dont think it is deliverability?
    Thanks for your time.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    @rockingh Please don’t offer to send or post logon credentials on these forums:


    You can contact the author on their own site and, once there, the discussion is between the two of you. However, it is not OK to enter or send site credentials on these forums. We don’t want to encourage others (who are less reputable) to do similar things. It’s a fine line, but one that we need to enforce. Thanks for your cooperation.

    Plugin Author Alan Fuller


    @rockingh what email have you in this setting?


    (p.s. you can share images via any image sharing tool, you make sure any private info is obscurred )

    Hi Alan
    It looks exactly as yours except for slightly different text in the message boxes such as “Sorry, booking is now full but watch for cancellations. Thank you.”
    We’ve tried different emails in notification box such as from BT and to a different pc and location at a friends email. Still no notification!

    Plugin Author Alan Fuller


    Are you using any email plugin ( e.g. SMTP email )? Can you provide you Site Info please?

    see https://fullworks.net/docs/plugins-general/troubleshooting-plugins-general/raising-a-support-ticket-required-information/

    see section

    Provide WordPress Environment Information
    Go to Dashboard -> Tools, select Site Health, select Info, click on Copy site info to Clipboard 

    Screen shots of your other settings e.g. before or after payment etc ( remember obscure email addresses, this is a public forum ) would be useful.

    In testing I get 100% delivery of email to admin and the end client, so there is something specific about your set ups.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Alan Fuller.

    Heres the site info, We arent using any email plugins. Thanks`
    ### wp-core ###

    version: 5.8.1
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    cxn_tests: All Pass.


    Heres link to four pages of settings, if you need more let me know.
    Obviously you can see the front end here https://floatourboat.co.uk/book-trips/ feel free to enter in the test one at the bootom of page (pay if you would like to) ??
    Anymore info needed please ask. Thanks

    Plugin Author Alan Fuller



    I have discovered a bug introduced in 9.2.2 where the admin email will only be sent if you have more than one in the settings ( separated by comma), e.g. [email protected], [email protected]

    I have fixed that in 9.2.3

    I also have added extensive email debugging ( if WP_DEBUG is turned on ) incase future email issues need to be investigated.

    Many thanks Alan.
    All seems good with quick test but will double check in the morning.

    Thread Starter valvand


    Good job Alan. Now it works perfectly!
    Thanks a lot


    Great Alan, all emails now perfect thanks. Would appreciate my other problem Payment pending being sorted sometime although not important this season. Many, many thanks

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