Hi Mirza.
I’ll try to explain in detail.
I have two possible situations.
In the first, users are added directly by one of the site administrators and this procedure does not require approval from the user, who is automatically approved.
When registration is done in this way, an email is sent to all administrators summarizing the information of the newly added user. (Name, Surname, email and other information added via the Profile Extra Filed plugin). This is the standard WordPress “New user registration on your site” email.
In the second case, however, it is the user who independently fills out the registration form. In this case the approval of one of the administrators is required for the user to access the contents of the site. However, when an administrator approves the user, an email summarizing all the user’s information is not sent, as in the previous case.
What I would like to know is if it was possible to send the same email summarizing the user’s data even after it has been manually approved. In order to share the information with all site administrators. I always refer to the standard email “New user registration on your site”
Thanks so much for the support!