• deano6410


    If you have a blog that is minimum of 1 year old and is a pagerank of PR4 or higher and no longer have time to run it or wish to sell it then please contact me.

    I am not interested in the blog posts, but the older and the higher the pagerank the better.


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  • chillbilly


    google sticks most sites in their “sandbox” for a year or more…they don’t admit that it exists, but alota people know it does.

    Don’t even worry about page rank…just optimize ??

    I’ve also noticed after reading a thread in here about robots hitting like crazy that My WP is getting bombarded like frikin mad!

    I got a funny feeling it has to do with the fact that it is WP that I am useing…I bet they have set up the indexers to hit blogs way more often becuase they tend to get updated fast.

    All my other sites are the same right now, but My WP has been up for only a coupla weeks and its getting hit 10-15 times more.

    Its not totaly derailed:)
    this guy wants a site thats up hi so he doesn’t have to do any work…but i gota say..i think he should save his money and just optimize and have good content cuase these WP blogs get hit like crazy.



    I’m afraid to ask what your future use is for these.

    One thing the web does not need more of is adsense splogs, it devalues the real bloggers.



    Besides the fact of this thread being derailed off the original “topic” at hand. deano6410, I’m really not sure how you’ll be able to find that one or many persons willing to do this or whatever.. :/

    Except maybe post this type of request(s) on ppl’s message boards (forums) that kinda “relate” to this request and even on your own blog, or something.. After a while you might start getting hits from google searches and what not.. who knows..

    Also, keeping this thread in here might eventually spark someone’s attention and give you a reply..and also leaving an email address in here for someone to see, you might get some responses that way.. I dunno, but I wish ya the best with it.. =)




    Your not talkin to me right?

    I’m the most ethical guy I know and can’t frikin stand adsense

    IF it’s the other guy your talkin about…well…I bet he just has a cool Idea and would like his stuff to start high.

    Thing he needs to remember though…he could have the greatest PR around, but if his site content stinks it won’t do a bita good…slowley but surely over a few weeks…his site will move it’s way down till it’s gone forever right.

    Thread Starter deano6410


    Kickass. Yahoo and Msn use age of domain as an important ranking factor. That is the only reason I wanted to buy one instead of starting a new one. If it had a few links as well then all the better.

    To be honest I am not overly bothered, i have no problem starting one from scratch but i thought i would ask just incase.

    Chillybilly – Pagerank may not mean much but pagerank is decided due to the amount and quality of links you have. So in theory page rank is still very important.

    Also, you need more than just being well optimized to rank UNLESS you are ranking for crappy terms that no one searches for.



    Don’t worry HandySolo, you’re not the only one. My blogs been WP’ed for a little over a year now and I have a page rank of 0/10. And yes, I have optimized it for google. And I took a look at your site… you do have some great content.

    Thread Starter deano6410


    Leger – Your blog is PR4

    Thread Starter deano6410


    ChillyBilly – It says on your site that you can offer search engine optimization services. Yet, you dont seem to have grasped the basics of how SEO works.

    “If you’ve got the relevent content for a givin query and have a properly optimized site…you’ll be top page in the results in like 3-4 weeks”

    Thats not entirely correct, you seem to have taken the content issue a little to directly. Content is vitally important to a website, but google doesnt know the difference between great content and average content. Believe it or not, google doesnt understand jokes, plot twists, sarcasm etc… Good content will encourage people to link to you. Links = a major factor for google rankings. You can write the best content in the world, but if no one links to it then it is close to useless.

    As a search engine expert you should know that. But then again you are showing ZERO links in google, so although I personally find your content to be of a high standard google probably thinks it sucks.



    PageRank is related to links in? I have only one link in, and it’s buried very very deep. I do ping once or twice a week. I don’t exactly get how or why that works, but it does. I’m coming up high for lots of search terms, so I’m assuming the pinging is the reason.



    deano – pagerank isn’t even regularly updated anymore… it IS basically useless when it comes to trying to determine the value of a web site, either in rankings or link popularity.

    I have a number of sites that haven’t even been touched (much less linked to more than once or twice) in over 6 months, that have had a Pagerank of 3 or 4 for well over a year now.

    As for the whole “sandbox” thing – no two SEO’s will EVER agree on that… ??

    However there is some truth to what chillbilly said about content – I have one site that’s been live since the middle of January, and is coming up in the top 3 results for the majority of chosen keywords (and no, they’re not “crappy” as you suggested, they’re basically pulling from about 10 million to 30 million results), and has been since approx. 3-4 weeks after the site went live – and since Google’s not assigned it PR yet, and Google isn’t showing any links (you use link:www.site.com) either (even though there are a small handful at this point) – the ONLY answer as to why it’s showing up so well IS the content.

    I’ve seen this very same thing happening with just about every brand new site I design and do SEO work on… so I’m not sure if this blows the “sandbox” theory out of the water for you, or if it simply goes to show that chillbilly was not incorrect in his statement.

    Either way – my opinion on the whole taking over of abandoned blogs thing is muddled, simply because I have no idea what your intentions are with them. But I do agree – an adsense splog is just an absolutely annoying idea.




    You looked at my site after it has only been up for about 2 weeks man…its only 65% complete and I can only jump on it for a few seconds here and there per day. My 1st priorety for my site was to knock the band chillbilly outa top spot just to entertain my self cuz they stole my name….did that after 1 week.

    Ya can’t look at my site as an example till I have completed it…take another look in 5 week man.

    back links to a site and the age is only a small factor in ranking a site.

    Ya remember that search engines have a job to do…they need to bring up the best results for a query…that is by far their TOP priorety…it makes them look good. Content that is optimized and full of relevent key “phrases” Is the 1st and best step in helping the engines do their job…if you help them…they will help you. If you just stick in a buncha cool back links to your site…all they will do is follow those links then READ YOUR CONTENT!

    And getting a site in top spot in just a few weeks…I can doit and I have done it numerous times…and not just lame sites with crapy content popularety…shit…my soccer set up is only 75% complete and luanched in november…soccer is by far the most popular sport on the planet…query “soccer forums” and you’ll find me ??

    give it a few more months and me getting the site complete then see what happens.



    How do you know what your page rank is? My blog isn’t for sale, just curious about how they’re evaluated.

    Thread Starter deano6410


    Fair points guys. There are enough sandbox and PR related threads on other forums so lets agree to disagree.

    Lenwood – https://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/pagerank-lookup/

    Thread Starter deano6410


    p.s I am no longer looking to buy a blog. Makes more sense to just buy an old domain.



    How do you know what your page rank is? My blog isn’t for sale, just curious about how they’re evaluated.


    Checking PageRank:

    Description of PageRank:

    although it sometimes seems more like:

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