• So, I am having an issue with selective refresh, it refreshes the previewer when it’s located in a function, like so:

    function text_controller( $setting_id, $section_id, $label = '', $description = '', $default = '', $selector = '', $transport = true, $sanitize = 'sanitize_text_field'  ) {
    	global $wp_customize;
    	if( $transport ) { $transport_type = 'postMessage'; } else { $transport_type = 'refresh'; }
    	$wp_customize->add_setting( $setting_id, array(
    		'default'			=> $default,
    		'sanitize_callback' => $sanitize,
    		'capability'		=> 'edit_theme_options',
    		'transport'         => 'postMessage',
    	) );
    	$wp_customize->add_control( $setting_id, array(
    		'label'				=> $label,
    		'description'		=> $description,
    		'section'			=> $section_id,
    		'settings'			=> $setting_id,
    	) );
    	$wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( $setting_id, array(
    		'selector' => $selector,
    		'render_callback' => function( $setting_id ) {
    			return get_theme_mod( $setting_id );
    	) );

    I paste all the variables to this function, selective refresh works for like a second and then it refreshes the previewer.

    If I do the cod outside the function it works.

    I think it has something to do with this part:
    ‘render_callback’ => function( $setting_id ) {
    return get_theme_mod( $setting_id );

    Any suggestions? Thank you!

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