Hey dude. Appreciate the quick reply ??
So i think it is handled at a single product level correct and I could set the default values to not use it so the majority of the products would just work as normal. And in the category field you can select a label like grams, meters etc (I had already done this anyway but thats a cool feature).
The products on the system I am setting up use an inventory system which is the source of truth. What I wondered was if there was a way to actually assign the ability to use decimals by categories to save doing each product indivudually and having them overwritten when products are added and removed from the inventory system.
I have been using a bit of a hack to do anything from the inventory system. It allows you add custom fields so I just create a custom field with a certain value and then put that in a function with a conditional statement checking for that value and if true I apply it so they can then still manage everything from the inventory system.
Awesome plugin by the way. Was just fiddling about with it on our staging site.