• Editing an image map, I click to edit an area. I want each area to link to a tag archive, so I click the ‘link’ radio button.

    I can see:
    Select where users should be redirected when they click the area
    but the dropdown next to ‘link to an existing post’ is empty, and I don’t have the option to just type in a URL.

    Could this be a 4.11 problem? I have previously used this excellent plugin on another project with no difficulty, and the problem persisted even when I turned off all other plugins used within the site.

    Alternatively, could this be a problem resulting from ‘too many posts’ for the dropdown? This is an old site with thousands of posts that I am revamping.


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  • Thread Starter cycas


    I should have looked at the form source!

    I can see “
    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes) in /public_html/wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 3741)

    So it looks like the plugin is trying to pull in a list of every post on my site, and because the site is kind of huge, it’s failing?

    Thread Starter cycas


    If anyone else is trying to use this plugin on a site with a ridiculously large number of posts, I fixed this by editing wp-content/plugins/imagemapper/imagemapper.php to comment out the code that produces a list of posts:

    <select name=”area-link-post”><?php
    // $posts = get_posts(array(‘numberposts’ => -1));
    // foreach($posts as $post) { echo ‘<option value=”‘.$post->ID.'” ‘.($meta->link_post == $post->ID ? ‘selected’ : ”).’>’.(strlen($post->post_title) ? $post->post_title : ‘(untitled, id: ‘.$post->ID.’)’).'</option>’; }

    I can still insert a link to a post by putting the URL into the general URL box, so this approach works for me.

    I guess there should be some way to handle large numbers of posts, even if it just removes the option? Should I try to submit a patch to this plug-in (never done that before, any pointers welcome!)

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