• Hello

    I am trying to set a form with a required recipient selection. But to avoid the user to always select the first recipient on the list, I set the drop down to have a blank item at first position.

    It’s working but the error message when the blank item is chosen is not the right one :

    Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method.

    is there a way I could change this except in the Messages settings ?

    thank you in advance for any useful answer.


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  • Thread Starter petri71


    Thank you Jason but this is not really my problem, sorry I did not express myself clearly enough.

    My problem is that instead of having an error message such as :

    Please select a recipient

    I get this error message :

    Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method.

    I know I could change that message in the Message settings of the plugin but what if I get a real mail bug ? then the user will not understand as he would have chosen the recipient.
    I was thinking of a way to add a script in the code that display the right message in case the blank item (defined in the code) was selected instead of a real recipient.

    Thank you in advance for any useful answer.

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