Seems to be broken in WordPress 4.1.2
I play the latest video (by youtube username) of a guy who puts out new weekly content. I now get a “youtube device support video” in it’s place.
I am having the same issue. We play the latest videos from our YouTube channel. The newest video plays a video that explains that “YouTube is upgrading to a newer version which is not supported by this device or app. Tp learn more and see where you can watch YouTube visit:”
I’m getting the same error screen on my sidebar widget as Mr. Yuck and toddbenton above – is there an update to the plugin we can install?
I might add, I believe this error just showed up today. It could be my auto update to wordpress 4.1.2, BUT, it could be a total coincedence, and it’s all about “youtube upgrading to a new version”, which is the video which shows up on my sidebar widget now, as I see Todd said as well.
same problem here ??
It was a great plugin before youtube changed de rules … how can I help to make a update?
This has nothing to do with wordpress or the update to 4.1.2
YT is shutting down Version 2 of it’s API and this plugin is using v2 instead of V3, which is up since about a year (March I think). Apps (or Widgets in this case) still using v2 get this notification because they simply shut it down.—Quote:—
“In March 2014, we announced that the v2 API would be retired on April 20, 2015, and would be shut down soon thereafter. To help you with your migration, we published the migration guide in September. Now, we’d like to provide you with more details on the v2 retirement timeline.
As of April 20, 2015, v2 API endpoints will be shut off with the following exception: We will keep the v2 versions of the comments, captions, and flagging features accessible for a grace period past the shutdown date. These features are still listed as “To be supported” in the migration guide. The grace period is designed to give you time to implement the new v3 versions of these features as they become available. In addition, the v2 API endpoint for uploading videos will also remain open during this time.If you would like to test your application’s reaction to the v2 API shutdown, point it to instead of
Please migrate your app to the YouTube Data API v3 at your earliest convenience to avoid any outage.
For more information please visit: YouTube Data API v2 Turndown FAQ”
—End Quote—
Now we use the same widget, which is quite a bummer as it is not working anymore (at least not as it’s expected to do). The dev could migrate tu v3 failry easy as it seems, but it requires a bit of work.OK, anyone know of a good substitute widget plugin that uses v3?
This is more of a bump – but i;m with sauerswald – anyone have any recommendations for a replacement?
First of all, there does not appear to be a way for me to edit the title of the thread, which is obviously not what’s going on here. :-). If anyone knew of a suitable replacement, I’m sure they would have posted here by now. I don’t know SOMEONE out there has to be working on one, you would think. Where is the plugin creator? You would think they get these posts via email.
Same issue, this was the best one out there. Too bad we’ve lost support.
This is borrowed from the work done by David Swanson and the solution that he gave on Youtube Channel Gallery. Thank you David.
You basically have to change from using the YouTube name / channel name to the playlist id. There is a defaults playlist for all the videos that any YouTube users has uploaded. You have to get that playlist id.
Follow David’s instructions…
Here is how I fixed the problem using the widget
First, you need to go to your YouTube channel. Over on the left menu click “My Channel”
From the horizontal menu, click “videos”From the drop menu at the top choose “All Videos” the default is “Upload” After choosing “All Videos” move your mouse by the title “Upload” and a “Play” button will appear next to “Upload”
Click “Play”
Your first video will start to play. Over on the left menu at the top will be the name of your Upload playlist. Example “Uploads From xxx”
Click on that playlist “Upload From xxx”
In the address bar of your browser will be something ending in list=
after the list= is your Upload playlist id.
Copy that ID down.In your widget choose Playlist under video feed type and enter that playlist id.
I have tested this is works perfectly. See here…
Best of luck!
Whoops, see next post.
Never mind, thought I wasn’t going to be able to do this because I am not the owner of the YouTube Channel in question. But there is a slight error in those instructions that threw me off. In the following sentence, replace the word left with right. the name of the YouTube playlist in question is on the right. ??
“Your first video will start to play. Over on the left menu at the top will be the name of your Upload playlist. Example “Uploads From xxx”
@netivity (or David): Thanks for your solution. It worked for me.
I post the newest weekly video by someone who is not me, and I can tell you that this fix works for that. He uploaded a new video one day after I installed the fix, and the newest one is successfully up. I don’t know how many of you use the plugin in that particular manner, but this fix definitely works for me.
We need to rewrite the entire plugin with OAUTH for YouTube’s v3 API. They’re getting rid of the current one. Sorry folks!
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