Good morning, John. Thanks for the quick response and pardon my delay.
Here’s an outline of how I’m using this plugin:
I have two custom post types, “Providers” and “Locations”. I’m using ACF Post-2-Post to relate a health care provider to one or more locations using an ACF “Relationship” field named “related_posts”.
Everything seems to work correctly, BUT… I also use Search and Filter Pro ( ) – and it creates a way to filter posts on archive or index pages based on criteria. I used the “related_posts” field to filter.
Everything seemed fine when I launched the site. Post-launch though, the client edited the Locations. Now the “related_posts” filter was showing the posts, but with a bunch of blank options in the select dropdown element.
I tried to figure out where the problem stemmed.. and looking into the values given for those blank options, it seems that they are post IDs that relate to post revisions of the original Location post. I couldn’t find any record of actual posts in the database, but some of the IDs existed as “inherit” posts it the posts table. Some of the IDs didn’t exist at all, but were one number off from other “inherit” posts in the database.
I decided to go in and resave all the “Providers” attached to these blank options, and once i resaved them all, everything fell in line. So I think there may be something up with how Post-2-Post saves and deals with revisions of the same posts?
Does that make sense?