Thanks for the update, Anabelle.
I will be the first to say that it takes a brave soul to write a plugin and release it on WordPress. I meant no disrespect to the authors by any means, nor do I think its my right to expect miracles. Good on you for releasing it and I apologize if I came off rude in my review.
@jsonb123… 90% of the plugins hosted on WordPress get few to no reviews. If we’re going to act as a community to support WordPress users and indeed the people who write plugins, it is our duty to review objectively. The code for this plugin affected styles outside the plugin itself, as noted here, by the author. I felt it fair to inform anyone intending to use the plugin in a production environment that, despite the plugin being a good idea, there were flaws when I tried it. Moreover, I thought it was important to introduce my comment according to my findings, and find out why it was released given that it looked like a plugin for a particular project. Indeed, I think it fair to say that the author agreed with the issues raised (and may have already been aware of them), and fixed them.
I am pretty sure that’s the goal of providing a review and support feature for plugins.
@anabelle. Again, this is really a great idea for a plugin. In fact I think the functionality should be part of the version 3 menu system by default. I’ll give the new version a whirl and report back.