Okay so probably I should start with that my wp setup is based on bedrock boilerplate by roots.io.
What are the port and IP address using for Redis server?
a little confused here, you said LSCWP object cache works over the
TCP and now it’s bypassing? ??
It uses web/app/.object-cache.ini (app => wp-content) file for object cache config. And it doesn’t create object-cache.php drop in like you do. And it gives immense performance boost in admin panel and front-end.
I think the backend configured wrongly, so there is no impact. Can you share hit/miss ratio when enabled Powered Cache’s object caching?
Guess it is not multisite compatible.
I use as well Cache Enabler, when I save settings load speed from 1.3s of admin panel drops to 8.5s according to Query Monitor.