• Currently, WP’s comment editing function has a built in “shortcut” which allows the user to double click on any word in a comment on the comment edit page, which opens the Reply comment box:

    A final secret shortcut is double-click. Just click twice on a comment in the Comments view to open up the editor.

    The problem with this shortcut is that when a user has already opened the comment Reply box and has highlighted a word or phrase fr. a published comment in order to copy & paste the word/phrase into the comment edit box, & accidentally double clicks the highlighted word/phrase, this causes the user to completely lose the comment he was editing/writing. I’ve wiped out countless comments in this fashion & it’s very frustrating.

    Can anyone figure out a way in which I could hack the Comment code in order to prevent the double click feature from activating if the comement reply box is already open? Or alternatively the hack could completely deactivate the double click feature as I don’t use this feature.

    BTW, does anyone know anyone who does use this feature? It seems to me that the shortcut was rather poorly tested or thought through in terms of the negative impact it has on users like me who heavily copy & paste materials from comments in order to create blockquotes.

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