Seeing errors
First I want to say thanks for creating this plugin!
So I am seeing a couple different problems with the ai1ec plugin that I believe to be bugs.
Problem 1:
I am using the following shortcode on my homepage:
<?php do_shortcode( ‘[ai1ec view=”agenda” events_limit=”2″]’ ); ?>This shortcode displays two events as expected. I can also click on the event’s read more to visit the event and it’s details. As well from the homepage-shortcode I can click on the left calendar date it expands the full day as expected within the homepage’s block space. However, once the full day has been expanded and I click on the top title date e.g. “8 Wed” it shows me the following error.
Something went wrong while fetching events.
The request status is: 200
The error thrown was: SyntaxError: expected expression, got ‘<‘
Click here for technical detailsI’m really not sure what that functionality is supposed to do because even on a second site of mine it throws the same error when clicking the day as well from within Calendar > (Click day) e.g. “8” > (Click) e.g. “Wed 8”.
So I know this is coming from “oneday.twig” and on line 20:
<a class=”ai1ec-load-view” href=”{{ day.href | e( ‘html_attr’ ) }}”
it appears like day.href is not being populated on either of my two sites. This includes from the Calendar itself as well as the shortcode.I also want to make clear that I’ve referenced a previous topic from this support board and tried all the recommendations and none fixed this problem. So to reference the other topic: have tried all the following solutions from that topic and they did not fix the issue:
– Make sure that your Calendar page is set to the right page in the settings (no need to use shortcode on a page set as the default in the plugin settings)
– Try turning on/off “Strict compatibility content filtering” in Events -> Settings –> Viewing Events.
– Try turning on/off “Use frontend rendering” in Events -> Settings –> Advanced
– Try resetting permalink settings to Plain and then back to your custom style.So while I could break out my own ai1ec-theme and put something into the functions.php to determine a link I’m not even sure what that specific functionality is supposed to provide.
Problem 2:
The second problem is since I’m using the same shortcode on the homepage referenced in Problem 1. When I click on an event to see the details page it takes me there as expected but when I click the “Calendar” button off to the right it takes me back to the homepage. However, if I visit the calendar directly and then click on the event it loads as expected and when I then click the “Calendar” button it takes me back to the Calendar. So same template different functionality.So the template “event-single.twig” seems to populate the URL “{{ back_to_calendar | raw }}” fine when coming from the Calendar > Event > (Back to) Calendar, itself but not when coming from Homepage(ai1ec shortcode) > Event > (Back to) Calendar.
Just let me know if this is a bug with the plugin that will be addressed or if this is something I should address myself.
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