Hello @foots,
To enable the widget for non-admin users, you’ll need to edit “lara-google-analytics.php”, find :
if ( 'index.php' != $hook || !current_user_can('manage_options')) {
And replace the “manage_options” capability to any of the capabilities listed on :
Roles and Capabilities
So, for example, if you changed it to “read”, then everyone will be able to see the widget, even “Subscribers”.
I would advise to disable the admin permissions for the widget as follows :
Edit the same file and remove “lrgawidget_perm_admin” from the following permissions array :
$globalWidgetPermissions = array("lrgawidget_perm_admin",
Currently, I don’t have an ETA on the next release, as it’s taking more time that I anticipated .. but I’m working on it ??
I hope it’s clear now, and if not, please let me know