Mhh, I’m not sure if I’m allowed to do that.
The plugin is a Pro plugin, for which you have to pay money.
However, I am happy to send you the following information:
– Folder structure (partially shortened)
– license.txt (partially shortened)
– readme.txt
– woocommerce-germanized-pro.php (partly shortened)
– wpml-config.xml
Folder structure (partially shortened)
| |____css
-> (around 10 css files)
| |____images
| | |____germanized.svg
| |____js
-> (around 20 js files))
| |____languages
-> (around 70 json files)
| |____abstracts
| | |____abstract-wc-gzdp-checkout-step.php
| | |____abstract-wc-gzdp-invoice.php
| | |____abstract-wc-gzdp-post-pdf.php
| | |____abstract-wc-gzdp-theme.php
| |____admin
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-admin-generator.php
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-admin-packing-slip-bulk-handler.php
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-admin-setup-wizard.php
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-admin.php
| | |____notes
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-admin-note-generator-versions.php
| | |____settings
| | | |____abstract-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-generator.php
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-contract.php
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-emails.php
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-invoices.php
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-multistep-checkout.php
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-revocation-generator.php
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-shipments.php
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-taxes.php
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-terms-generator.php
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings.php
| | |____views
| | | |____html-admin-email-text-option.php
| | | |____html-admin-table-checkboxes.php
| | | |____html-generator-section-editor.php
| | | |____html-generator-section-error.php
| | | |____html-generator-section.php
| | | |____html-import-legacy-invoices-errors.php
| | | |____html-import-legacy-invoices-form.php
| | | |____html-notice-dependencies-gzd.php
| | | |____html-notice-dependencies.php
| | | |____html-notice-wp-version.php
| | | |____html-pdf-settings-before.php
| | | |____html-shipment-packing-slip.php
| | | |____setup
| | | | |____activation.php
| | | | |____invoice.php
| | | | |____legacy-import.php
| | | | |____ready.php
| | | | |____support.php
| |____api
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-rest-api.php
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-rest-customers-controller.php
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-rest-orders-controller.php
| |____checkout
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-checkout-step-address.php
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-checkout-step-order.php
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-checkout-step-payment.php
| | |____compatibility
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-checkout-compatibility-amazon-payments-advanced.php
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-checkout-compatibility-woo-paypal-plus.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-ajax.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-assets.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-contract-helper.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-dependencies.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-document-factory.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-elementor-helper.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-elementor-widget-helper.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-install.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-invoice-cancellation-refund.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-invoice-cancellation.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-invoice-factory.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-invoice-packing-slip.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-invoice-shortcodes.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-invoice-simple.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-legal-checkbox-helper.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-legal-page.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-multistep-checkout.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-privacy.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-helper.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-unit-price-helper.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-vat-helper.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-vat-validation.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-wpml-helper.php
| |____emails
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-email-customer-order-confirmation.php
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-email-customer-processing-order.php
| | |____class-wc-gzdp-email-helper.php
| |____vendidero
| | |____vendidero-functions.php
| |____wc-gzdp-core-functions.php
| |____wc-gzdp-invoice-functions.php
| |____wc-gzdp-invoice-template-functions.php
| |____wc-gzdp-order-functions.php
| |____storeabill
-> (it's a subpackage containing assets, build, includes, lib, src, templates, license.txt, main php file and a xml file)
| |____storeabill-lexoffice
-> (it's a subpackage containing assets, build, includes, lib, src, templates, license.txt, main php file and a xml file)
| |____storeabill-sevdesk
-> (it's a subpackage containing assets, build, includes, lib, src, templates, license.txt, main php file and a xml file)
| |____Autoloader.php
| |____Legacy
| | |____Cancellation.php
| | |____CancellationRefund.php
| | |____Importer.php
| | |____Invoice.php
| | |____Pdf.php
| |____Packages.php
| |____Packing
| | |____Automation.php
| |____StoreaBill
-> (some php files in there)
| |____checkout
| | |____multistep
| | | |____data.php
| | | |____privacy.php
| | | |____steps.php
| | | |____submit.php
| |____emails
| | |____customer-processing-order-pre.php
| | |____plain
| | | |____customer-processing-order-pre.php
| |____myaccount
| | |____form-register-vat-id.php
| |____packing-slip
| | |____content.php
| | |____footer-first-page.php
| | |____footer.php
| | |____header-first-page.php
| | |____header.php
| | |____page.php
| |____post-document
| | |____content.php
| | |____footer-first-page.php
| | |____footer.php
| | |____header-first-page.php
| | |____header.php
| | |____page.php
| |____assets
| | |____css
-> (some css files)
| | |____js
-> (some js files)
| |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-astra.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-enfold.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-flatsome.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-shopkeeper.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-storefront.php
| |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-virtue.php
| |____enfold
| | |____shortcodes
| | | |____class-wc-gzdp-enfold-product-button.php
| |____flatsome
| | |____templates
| | | |____checkout
| | | | |____multistep
| | | | | |____data.php
| | | |____notices
| | | | |____notice.php
| |____views
| | |____html-admin-notice-astra-shopmark.php
| | |____html-admin-notice-virtue-shopmark.php
| |____virtue
| | |____templates
| | | |____single-product
| | | | |____price-unit.php
| | | | |____price.php
| |____ (vendor files here)
license.txt (partially shortened)
WooCommerce Germanized Pro
Copyright 2011 by the contributors
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
This program incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
permission notices:
WooCommerce Germanized
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright ? 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
=== Germanized for WooCommerce Pro ===
Contributors: vendidero
WC requires at least: 3.9
WC tested up to: 5.6
Requires at least: 5.4
Tested up to: 5.8
Requires PHP: 5.6
License: GPLv3
woocommerce-germanized-pro.php (partially shortened)
* Plugin Name: Germanized for WooCommerce Pro
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Extends Germanized for WooCommerce with professional features such as PDF invoices, legal text generators and many more.
* Version: 3.2.6
* Author: vendidero
* Author URI:
* Requires at least: 5.4
* Tested up to: 5.8
* WC requires at least: 3.9
* WC tested up to: 5.6
* Text Domain: woocommerce-germanized-pro
* Domain Path: /i18n/languages/
* @author vendidero
use Vendidero\Germanized\Pro\Autoloader;
use Vendidero\Germanized\Pro\Packages;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly
* Load core packages and the autoloader.
* The new packages and autoloader require PHP 5.6+.
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '>=' ) ) {
require __DIR__ . '/src/Autoloader.php';
require __DIR__ . '/src/Packages.php';
if ( ! Autoloader::init() ) {
} else {
function wc_gzdp_admin_php_notice() {
<div id="message" class="error">
/* translators: %s is the word upgrade with a link to a support page about upgrading */
__( 'Germanized Pro requires at least PHP 5.6 to work. Please %s your PHP version.', 'woocommerce-germanized-pro' ),
'<a href="">' . esc_html__( 'upgrade', 'woocommerce-germanized-pro' ) . '</a>'
add_action( 'admin_notices', 'wc_gzdp_admin_php_notice', 20 );
if ( ! class_exists( 'WooCommerce_Germanized_Pro' ) ) :
final class WooCommerce_Germanized_Pro {
# the whole class goes here
* @return WooCommerce_Germanized_Pro $pro instance
function WC_germanized_pro() {
return WooCommerce_Germanized_Pro::instance();
$GLOBALS['woocommerce_germanized_pro'] = WC_germanized_pro();
<custom-type translate="1" display-as-translated="1">document_template</custom-type>
<custom-field action="copy">_document_type</custom-field>
<custom-field action="copy-once">_pdf_template_id</custom-field>
<custom-field action="copy-once">_margins</custom-field>
<custom-field action="copy">_template_name</custom-field>
<custom-field action="copy-once">_fonts</custom-field>
<custom-field action="copy-once">_font_size</custom-field>
<custom-field action="copy-once">_color</custom-field>
<key name="woocommerce_gzdp_checkout_step_title_address" />
<key name="woocommerce_gzdp_checkout_step_title_payment" />
<key name="woocommerce_gzdp_checkout_step_title_order" />
<key name="woocommerce_gzdp_checkout_privacy_policy_text" />
<key name="woocommerce_gzdp_contract_helper_email_order_processing_text" />
<key name="woocommerce_gzdp_legal_page_revocation_pdf" />
<key name="woocommerce_gzdp_legal_page_terms_pdf" />
<key name="woocommerce_gzdp_legal_page_data_security_pdf" />
<key name="woocommerce_gzdp_legal_page_imprint_pdf" />
<key name="woocommerce_customer_order_confirmation_settings">
<key name="subject" />
<key name="heading" />
<key name="additional_content" />
<key name="woocommerce_sab_simple_invoice_settings">
<key name="subject" />
<key name="heading" />
<key name="additional_content" />
<key name="woocommerce_sab_cancellation_invoice_settings">
<key name="subject" />
<key name="heading" />
<key name="additional_content" />
<key name="woocommerce_sab_document_admin_settings">
<key name="subject" />
<key name="heading" />
<key name="additional_content" />
<key name="woocommerce_sab_document_settings">
<key name="subject" />
<key name="heading" />
<key name="additional_content" />
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
Paul Vogel.