Hello madvic,
Hope you’r well ??
1. Critical Alerts
In technical world, Iframes are considered as malicious because it invites third party content, which may load unwanted & horrific content on your site but not always. We have used iframe to include facebook like button that too only in backend and for your information facebook is a trusted and verified source widely. Therefore, you don’t need to bother about this and if you loved using Invert Lite then please like our facebook page from backend.
2. Alerts
Actually we don’t need this reference because the theme has already provided with delectable and indispensable option to play around the header and background.
3. Info
It’s not mandatory to include these file, it depends on the theme design, features and requirements. It’s just a kind of auxiliary information.
If you have further queries then don’t hesitate to ask, WordPress support forum is always there for you.
Gunjan Rai Kanungo