• Hey!

    I was wondering what the best way is to secure many wordpress sites. Assuming i have a server with 100 Domains and each Domain has a single WordPress site to it. What would be the best way to protect all of this sites?

    I would rather not install a plugin like Wordfence or iTheme Security on 100 instances which will heavily impact Server performance and which would be a nightmare to maintain.

    The solution can cost money but should be in a realistic price range. This is why something like Sucuri which scans your WordPress instances from there server is not a solution. It costs USD299 / YEAR and adding this up for 100 instances would mean USD29,999 / Year. No thanks to that ??

    How do you protect your Sites? What is the best way to have a good balance between performance and security?

    Thank you very much in advance!

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  • I run two WordPress multisites myself with IthemesSecurity paired with WordFence… IthemesSecurity and Wordfence complement each other and work very well together.

    All my sites are on Cloudflare’s free tier also using their plugin and paired to at least one cache plugin such as Cache Enabler. You want to run something to make any cache behave and take full advantage of all the proxies and cache your content might pass through on the way to your visitor’s display.

    You can accomplish a lot by working your way through this document also for each site…


    If I had to run multiple discrete sites such as what you have I’d then still install and do what I have outlined above…

    Some of the above will negate some of the performance hits the above will bring with them and you’ll discourage some recurring ‘door rattling’ if your site is well secured.

    As to performance… if you take a performance hit for adding security then upgrade the server a stage or two, or add a CDN to work with your Cache plugin, or spread your site across multiple servers, or else move your database to a different server.

    Now, for the added admin duties, you might look at some kind of maintenance plugin such as one of these…


    I also run the Fabrica Dashboard with the original dashboard items enabled in that and the Wapuu Dashboard Pet.



    But the big ‘take away’ for you is to throw ‘horsepower’ at the server(s) to free up time and elbow grease while attending to performance issues. Horsepower is cheap.

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