Sorry that there is an issue – I can’t help you resolve it if I don’t have all the info.
When you say:
as I have already styled the element
Did you mean that you styled it via CSS or are you hard coding in the form?
If your are hard coding the form, as a-posed to using the shortcode or widget then the issue is that your site is not creating the nonce.
If you want me to look at your site please post in the URL.
Having said that if you want to disable the nonce security check, you can go into the following file: /lib/esu-form-process-class.php
On line 140 find the function named esu_check_nonce() and change it to this:
function esu_check_nonce(){
return self::esu_post_vars();
Warning: This change will be over written if you ever update the easy sign up plugin.
This would be the better way to troubleshoot: